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Guidance for a 10 meter vs Cb

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Guidance for a 10 meter vs Cb


Post by CornbreadUSMC »

Can anyone please provide guidance on the following?

I called and spoke with someone the other day at a well-known CB shop asking for his guidance on purchasing a CB radio; he stated that I should look into the 10-meter Stryker 447HP since he has sold many with no issues that come back and the output was much more.

My question is the following as I don’t know:

1. Can the Styker 447HP talk to all the other CB’s on their 40 channels?

2. I know I will need to get a licensee but what I do not understand is the difference using the 10-meter talking with a CB vs using a regular CB radio.
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Re: Guidance for a 10 meter vs Cb


Post by jon6667 »

stryker is a export radio. yes it can be made to work on cb
but its not a good radio for 10 meter. you have to have the shop to open up 11 meters
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Re: Guidance for a 10 meter vs Cb


Post by MDYoungblood »

I like to call them "conversion" radios as all are imported. That being said they all can be modified (converted) to operate on Cb Band (11m). If this store is pushing the 447 (HP, HPC, HPC2) it is probably because he has a lot of them in stock. If you are looking for a good AM radio (it has FM but nobody runs it), it would be a good choice. I like SSB so the I would look at others.
As far as a license, it wouldn't matter, it is illegal to use with or without but plenty still do.


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Re: Guidance for a 10 meter vs Cb


Post by sidjones1 »

Look into this CB unit... Search **Non Sponsor** for a Galaxy Dx959 ($179).
There are plenty of sites on this radio and mods you can do later.
Best of luck :-)

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removed **Non Sponsor** reference, always check our sponsored sites for the best price
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