Interceptor 300 RX

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Interceptor 300 RX


Post by allrpm427 »

I,m looking for a Kem-Tron Industries, Interceptor 300 RX amplifier schematic (1- 6LQ6 driving 4- 6LQ6,s) .... have searched the web and found nothing, any info is better than what I have ... thanks ... allrpm427
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Re: Interceptor 300 RX


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hello allrpm427,
Welcome to the forum. A schematic for the 300RX is probably impossible to find unless someone hand drew one, those old amps are hand wired (no PCB) so printing a schematic wasn't needed. An original 300RX would have 6JE6C tubes so someone has tried those 6LQ6's which are a replacement, 6MQ6 is even a heftier tube. Since we can't help for a schematic what seems to be the problem with the amp?
As a new member it would be nice to post an intro in the "Welcome to the Forum" topic, [Please login or register to view this link] , so others here can say "Hi", thanks.


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Re: Interceptor 300 RX


Post by allrpm427 »

Sorry for the 1 year later response !! The amp works fine, no problems . Since the posting I have gone through the amp, replaced caps, a few other components, and 5 good 6LQ6 tubes ( it was purchased with no tubes ). This amp is in really nice shape, not beat-up or hacked !! I ran one of these amps back in the late 70,s - early 80,s ..... back then I took it to Kem-tron Industries in Youngstown, Ohio for a tune-up !! Anyways, I know that there were hand drawn schematics for Kem-Tron amps in the day, I was hoping I might find one out there somewhere just for the sake of having it !! Thanks for your reply, Bruce
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Interceptor 300 RX


Post by NYgnat »

Add two more years for a further response... LOL.. No schematics either, sorry. I thought these amps came in two "flavors." One with 6v filaments and another one with the 12v filament 8950s. These 12v 8950s usually convert to 6KD6's and sharing the 12v filaments for the 6KD6's 6v requirements. This one sounds great. I just haven't tried it under 20meters. It's a "presence" on 10m all day long if need be. Worked All Continents on 10m with an Antron 305 (illegitimate step-sister of an A-99,) grabbing Saudi Arabia with this little amp when needed for that last Continent of Asia.
Posting the pictures of the inside of mine maybe can help? But, this is the 8950 version. Should be exact, except for filament voltages.

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Re: Interceptor 300 RX


Post by tinyb »

I have one of these that I replaced the tubes in and am seeing about 140 AVG and right at 500 PEP, driving the amp with a Uniden 68. 1 watt DK swinging to 6.5AVG, 26 PEP. Tiny's CB Shop
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