Deox it D5 spray

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Deox it D5 spray


Post by 443 Arizona »

boy i made a mistake, :oops: first time using Deoxit D5,
washed down the board and pots on one of my radios with this Deoxit D5 spray blew it out with air and let it dry for a week, and now i have problems,
:? no meter lights, no AM noise, did not try transmitting, ssb receive worked on 38

so what should i do? alcohol wash and dry? bake it? (not hard to do in Arizona) :shock:
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Re: Deox it D5 spray


Post by MDYoungblood »

Did you spray the loads (cans) as well, could be when you blew the residue you moved these loads, possible some liquid is still in them as well. I would let it sit in the sun for a couple days, don't let it get too hot, an oven is not a good idea as I don't think they go under 200° . No clue why the lights aren't working.


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Re: Deox it D5 spray


Post by 443 Arizona »

after further investigation, I read the D5 does leave a residue, boy i'll say! might as well have dipped it in a bucket of cooking oil.
I am going to try CRC electronic cleaner, its a no residue cleaner,
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Re: Deox it D5 spray


Post by MDYoungblood »

Yes it does, that is why the directions say "short bursts", and only on "metal surfaces" like the potentiometers.
Years ago I worked for my uncle who did TV repairs, he had me clean out the big TV and radio cabinets with distilled water to get the grim, dust, and unwanted critters out of them. They water would dehydrate after a day or so, would have a fan circulating air through them.


"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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