Station revamp project

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Station revamp project


Post by KP68 »

I finally got to cleaning and revamping my radio/shop room. Long over due project. I wanted to do a journal of the project so I grabbed the camera and off I went. I apologize for the white line that sometimes appears across the screen in some of the shots. The camera is getting old and needs to be replaced. It's a long video with a test gate at the end so sit back and relax. ***WARNING*** I'm a bit of a whack-a-doodle/odd ball with an odd sense of humor, so keep that in mind while watching lol :bounce: :cyclopsani: This video is for true radio nerds like me. Enjoy!

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Re: Station revamp project


Post by MDYoungblood »

Looks good. I was going to redo the layout of my radios, switches, amps, etc. but the wife has it in her head to move so I'm slowly boxing up stuff so no redo for me yet.


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Handle: KP68
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Re: Station revamp project


Post by KP68 »

Much better than it was and now I have to keep it this way. I'm embarrassed I let things get so dirty and disorganized. Ya, no sense in revamping your shack if you're moving like you said. Hope you find a location soon.
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