Question how to make a linear from a PCN-60 Stinger board

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Question how to make a linear from a PCN-60 Stinger board


Post by LakeOtter »

The short version of my question:
I have an RM Italy PCN-60 Stinger Board and was wondering how to wire it just as an external linear. I have chassis, heat sinks, thermal paste, PL259/SO239 connectors...

I'm just not sure how to wire it or what else I'd need. I can solder, make L-match tuners, make great dumpster-dive antennas and a frequency splitter (duplexer) and love antenna theory... but I'm not an electronics whiz.

I know how to
*heat sink it and I'll even add a fan and
*house it in a chassis with
*in and out connectors, no prob

But how to wire the board (?)...

So far I see an ANT post and an RTX post.

If you don't want you don't need to describe how to make any on/off switches or bypass...

I thought this would be more straightforward making my own LK-35 linear out of it.
I don't even see where to hook up 13V.

LakeOtter Jeff in Tampa

Background for context:
I am sorely missing my original-run Magnum 2950 I sold for spare amp tubes meant for a huge Hallicrafters boat anchor I never got working.

I'll save for another radio but, in the meantime I have stuff lying around...

I have a couple of working, barefoot CB's and the RM Italy PCN-60 Stinger Board and enough parts to build a linear.
Not only are these compact CB's not meant for this to be installed internally (A Cobra 18 Weather CB and a Radioshack Sports TRC-442) but I never really wanted to install the board internally when I bought it.
The Cobra-18 Weather CB seemed to have been an underestimated little economy radio because I get astonishing reports from it barefoot.
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Question how to make a linear from a PCN-60 Stinger board


Post by LakeOtter »

Nevermind - thanks, I can't seem to delete the post and I've found the schematic for the KL-35 and located the power poles.
So obviously I just connect RTX to the radio out and ANT to the antenna.
I do hope I can find where to crank the output to one of my two compact CBs down a bit since I know these boards last longer at 2w input vs 4 or 5
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Re: Question how to make a linear from a PCN-60 Stinger board


Post by MDYoungblood »

You answered your own question.


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