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connex cx33hpc1

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connex cx33hpc1


Post by K1zxx »

hello, does anyone have information on the conversion to 11mtrs on the Connex CX33hpc1 ?

the proper way not the one that doesn't work. :-D
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Re: connex cx33hpc1


Post by MDYoungblood »

Remove the speaker side cover to expose the circuit board components. With the knobs to you in the front center of the board is a jumper array of 6 pins, (2 rows of 3 pins). Move the jumper to the back 2 pins, center and right leaving a pin exposed to its left. Take should do it.



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Added 5 days 1 hour 13 minutes 54 seconds after previous.
???? Did it work, curious mines want to know!


"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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Re: connex cx33hpc1


Post by K1zxx »

thanks for the help 1st of all, it was a beast but I got it, for some reason the 4 times I tried it the radio would not take, it would receive on 11 but would not tx, so I cycled the power several times and said I will give it one more try, so I took the pin plug out and reset it into the specs you sent and whooola it works and works well, I am not sure why it didn't work the 1st 3 times, maybe I may have reversed the pin plug or needed to cycle the power fully disconnecting it from the power source.
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Re: connex cx33hpc1


Post by MDYoungblood »

Glad you got it working, I hear it is a nice radio with excellent receive. A word to the wise, you should always remove any radio from a power source before touching any inside components unless you are using non metallic tools.


"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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