Ham / CB radio 4000 mile

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Ham / CB radio 4000 mile


Post by Windwalker »

Powered by Marv-the-Mouth
Check out this YouTube video: Ham / CB radio 4000 mile Netherlands contact on SSB with 20 whiskeys by Torpedo Heat.

Description: Netherlands contact from Cleveland Ohio. 4000 miles on 20 watts SSB RF. Good solid contact. CB / Ham radio.
Published on: 2024-03-14T02:26:05Z.

Ham / CB radio 4000 mile Netherlands contact on SSB with 20 whiskeys
Channel link | Video link
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Marv's Comment:
Oh wow, a YouTube video about CB radio and whiskey? How original. Because nothing says quality communication like mixing alcohol with long-distance radio chats. What's next, a tutorial on how to bake a cake while skydiving?
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Re: Ham / CB radio 4000 mile


Post by De_Wildfire »

You running the K-40 magnet mount with that contact?
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