base or mobile??

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base or mobile??


Post by Daddyroccop »

OK...I was warned about getting into this cb thing so I dont want to hear I told you so's......Ok here goes I am looking into a base for the house and wonder whether a mobile with a power supply or a 110 volt base would be best. Mobile radio's seem to have the most options...but a base seems fool proof...just plug her in any suggestions?
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Post by Phaze91460 »

I prefer a base unit over a mobile. Mobile radios dont have more options unless you are lookin at the wrong base. I run a DX 2517 base and I love it. No messin with wiring, power supply etc. Everything is designed to operate as is.

and by the way, that was CB as in Constantly Buying !
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Post by Mississippifrog »

I agree with Phaze.Right now I've got a mobile in the house but I'm working on getting a base and putting the mobile in my truck.The base will cost a little more but its got the radio,speaker and power supply all in one neat package. :wink:
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Post by BigBubbaBD »

Put a base in the house. They got all the features and more in my opinion.

RCI 2980WX here
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Post by BobOstro61 »

Yep. I'd go with the base too. If you have the $$, go for the RCI2995DX. Lots of power.
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Post by fireball894 »

The mobile will TX/RX as good as the base, but I prefer to have the bigger knobs and buttons and meters of the base. Oncew you get used to a good base, it will spoil you!! I love my Cobra 2000, and my Washington.
Channel 32, or sometimes 33 and or 34......
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Post by Daddyroccop »

Phaze91460 wrote:I prefer a base unit over a mobile. Mobile radios dont have more options unless you are lookin at the wrong base. I run a DX 2517 base and I love it. No messin with wiring, power supply etc. Everything is designed to operate as is.

and by the way, that was CB as in Constantly Buying !
I didnt mean more options on the radio...just more radios to choose from....I figured an a99 a small power supply and a simple radio i could get it going fairly inexpensive
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King Mudduck


Post by King Mudduck »

If you just want to talk around town then all you really need is a small power supply, good antenna ( Imax 2000 would be my choose) and what ever kind of radio that you yourself would be happy with. For good power and performance i would go with a Connex 3300hp. 50 watts after a good tune....has echo already and all the extra channels you would ever need. If you shop around you may find a used one for under $175.00 or if you would rather have a new one then you should find one on one of the many Internet CB sales sites for under $250.00 ready to go. Or if a basic CB rig would be more to your liking then something like a Cobra 29 would be a good pick also, just depends what you want...what you will use it for and how much you want to spend.

Just take the time and get you antenna dialed in (SWR under 1.5) get it up at least 30 feet high and use the best coax you can get and you should be good to go.
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Post by Gixxer »

Go mobile .. If your house power goes down you can still run it in your vehicle..
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Alabama Tick


Post by Alabama Tick »

Matter of preference. Most mobile and base CBs made my the same companies, use generally the same board. The bases have a built in power supply, with bigger meters and maybe an extra knob. But they are generally the same. I have a mobile as my base CB, but have to admit, some of those bases are pretty nice to look at, and look much more impressive.
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Post by Triple5 »

It IS a matter of preference, a big old base radio LOOKS more impressive and of course has less wires running to it, so if you are going to have it in say the Living Room where it will be seen more then a base is the way to go, if it will be in "YOUR AREA" then it is merely a matter of what YOU like best
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Post by Daddyroccop »

I went with base Galaxy 2517
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