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Modulation Garden

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The River Rat

Modulation Garden


Post by The River Rat »

Has anyone ever heard or tried this?
A friend of mine who has been on the radio since 1956 told me of this one guy who used to sound incredible.Always had the best audio and could receive people nobody else could hear and when they asked him what it was that he did, he told them it's my modulation Garden.
I don't know the exact measurements but he made a square grid in his back yard of copper wire in the shape of a checkerboard ,connected it to a good strong ground to his antenna and buried it about an inch below the surface.Probably twenty feet by twenty feet.
Every night before he got on the radio he would go out and water it down with a hose and talk on his radio and from all accounts sounded incredible.
I keep telling myself I'm going to try it but never have. :oops:

73'rds & Dirty Words
to you and yours
from me and mine
Your friendly neighborhood River Rat
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Post by BigBopper »

Sounds like a Grounding Garden, thats Old school for sure,,
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The River Rat


Post by The River Rat »

I remember a guy who lived out here on a lake and he used to dominate skipland by using the lake as his groundplane.It was awesome!!!!!!I don't know why more people don't do it ???
Just have pay a little more attention to the weather than everybody else.And definitely use a good lightning arrestor!!!!!!!!!! :oops:

73'rds & Dirty Words
to you and yours
from me and mine
Your friendly neighborhood River Rat. :wink:
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Post by Gixxer »

Thats heavy for sure
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North Texas Mudduck
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

on my last tower
i had 40 feet of 1/2 copper pipe running east and west
then i put copper tees every 5 feet and then ran 40 feet from the tower base south and at each corner i had a 4 foot copper rod into the ground
sweated all the joints together and moved it over in the other side of yard
pulled out the ole trencher dug down about 2 to 3 inches where i had marked where pipe would lay after trenching moved pipe back and sat down in trench work and connected everywhere at ground rods then at tower then covered it up

i have a sprinkler on one corner and a sprinkler at this corner when i feel a good day of interrupted DX is coming on i turn on the sprinklers

and yes the noise does drop quite abit

and receive is so nice

may be little to pricey for some to build
but when you worked at a propane company and can get rolls copper tubing and copper pipe all day long then it might be of some help
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North Texas Mudduck
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

The sensored pipe is C-o-P-P-e-r
A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone
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The River Rat


Post by The River Rat »

LOL, that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

73'rds & Dirty Words
to you and yours
from me and mine
Your friendly neighborhood River Rat :wink:
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Post by 231 »

North Texas Mudduck wrote:The sensored pipe is C-o-P-P-e-r
ROFLMAO!!! :lol:
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Post by badwhiskey »

I learned a lot from an old timer that used to be in my town....he could lock the town down with a set of moonraker beams and he told me that you could use the lake we have here or the railroad tracks for a groundplane during skip.....when I asked how he could use the railroad tracks he smiled real big and said "copper wire laid on the tracks....what exactly he meant by this i will never know......he also lit up a light bulb on his steal whip...

I was only a kid and I thought he was a cb god :wink:
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North Texas Mudduck
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

i have 4 ground bolts underneath the backside of suburban
when i go out i can take my jumper cables (some i made myself)not Walmart or kmart.

hook both sets to the back of suburban get about 8 feet away from track then hook the cables to the bolts on the side of tracks and get after it

works well

as far as fluorescent bulb i can have some stand about 3 feet in front of suburban i key down and wham lights on then they can walk like 30 steps further out and and look like Darth Vader
but don't touch bulb to antenna it can explode
i like the 8 foot bulbs
A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone
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Post by badwhiskey »

the cb hobby doesnt get much better than that!!! :D
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