RX noise

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short fuse

RX noise


Post by short fuse »

I just got my radio and new amp put in my car.With the car running I get lots of feedback from something,but cant figuire out where.I've changed the grounds on the radio and amp and even ran a seperate ground from my mag mount and nothing helps.I did a search and saw something about Ford fuel pumps cause a problem like this.Anybody got any good ideas on this one,before I pull my hair out!
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Post by BigBopper »

Yea Fords have a lot of fuel pump noise, when Wilson 1000's came out they claimed that their antenna cut down the noise
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short fuse


Post by short fuse »

is there some way to ground the pump or something?this is an absolutly horrible noise.
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short fuse


Post by short fuse »

sorry forgot to add that most all the electronics in the car affect this noise,power seat,windows,locks,headlights,and with the amp on it feeds back through the car's radio.but this sounds like a ground problem to me but not real sure.
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Post by BigBopper »

Here's what I found
Hams have reported various degrees of success using various filtering techniques. In some cases, ferrite inductors have been added to both wires feeding the fuel pump. It is usually more effective to use a separate choke for each wire. In general, at upper HF, one of the split bead types can be used, with a couple of turns of wire on each bead. At lower HF, it will be necessary to use a ferrite toroidal core, perhaps an FT-140-43, with at least 10 turns of wire. In addition, it may be necessary to try a 0.01 uF capacitor across the two wires, perhaps on each side of the chokes. Some have reported good results using just the capacitors. There are also mechanical considerations. Splicing wires can result in mechanical failure, or corrosion, with the result being a motor that will not run (these things seem to happen at the worst possible times!). In addition, heavy chokes or capacitors can vibrate as the vehicle goes over bumps, ultimately causing the wire to fail.

Also look at this PDF file

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short fuse


Post by short fuse »

Well that is very interesting guess i better head over to the Ford dealer and see if I can get one of those.
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Post by Zumlin »

They probably want some outrageous price for them..

Pull your fuel pump fuse or relay, for a brief moment to see if the noise stops, to be sure it is the problem, a lot of vehicles will stay running for a bit after pulling it.
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short fuse


Post by short fuse »

i did some research on this and saw that the ford ford fix doesn't help much,there are some homemade fixes but i'm not technicnaly savvy enough to pull that off!guess i'll just have to deal with it till i get my truck running!i know thats the problem cause if you just turn the key to on the noise starts for a second or two the stops,when you start the car it stays between 1/2 and 1 s-unit on the meter.
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Post by BigBopper »

if you turn on the key in the truck and noise for only a second or 2, its fuel pump noise
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Post by Zumlin »

short fuse wrote:i did some research on this and saw that the ford ford fix doesn't help much,there are some homemade fixes but i'm not technicnaly savvy enough to pull that off!guess i'll just have to deal with it till i get my truck running!i know thats the problem cause if you just turn the key to on the noise starts for a second or two the stops,when you start the car it stays between 1/2 and 1 s-unit on the meter.
Yea all this electronic stuff is a killer....A dodge in line powerfilter for the fuel pump was
about $100.00 there was even a T.S.B. on it from the dealership and they wouldnt offer it under warranty......
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Post by buzzyt517 »

Where do you have your power wire coming from. If its not straight to the battery I would give that a try also.
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short fuse


Post by short fuse »

I originally had it run to the battery and it was worse that way.For some reason the noise died out on my home from work.This really doesn't make any sense to me now!So I guess I'll cross my fingers and hope it stays gone.Any thoughts on why it would go away like that,maybe a loose ground on the fuel pump?
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Post by 38Special »

was it raining by any chance?

Where at in Maryland?
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midnight mud


Post by midnight mud »

I have a F150 with the same problem. Found this guy who did a lot of the stuff with the pump itself, with no real help. This is what he ended up doing.
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I'm going to try this next week...let you know how it works for me...he swears great results and the fix is OUTSIDE the tank and simple and CHEAP!
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