O-scope help

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O-scope help


Post by CJ »

I have a uniden HR2600 that when I hook it up through a line tap to a O-Scope and a 50 Ohm dummy load does some weird stuff.

This was broad banded to go to 24.800 but from 24.800 to about 27.200 everything looks like it should. after that when I modulate the peaks look a little blurry or like fire. Then when I get to 28.000 it looks like 2 separate signals with no modulation. when I modulate only one signal appears to react.

I am not a tech and I do not do repairs for people I just follow directions in books and manuals I buy and I'm learning as I go. SO please don't flam me if the answer is simple
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Post by BigBopper »

Here's an Ugly scope pic of my radio
[ external image ]

Here's what a good pic looks like on a clean radio

[ external image ]

Now the kicker, the first radio on the scope(ugly) is the best sounding radio
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Post by CJ »

I took photo's of what I'm talking about.

The radio receives and transmits fine . It just looks weird on a scope
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Post by BigBopper »

last pic looks like like to know modulation,,,I guessing
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Joined: January 9th, 2007, 10:34 pm
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Post by CJ »

You are correct. The last pic is with no modulation. but if you look closely it looks like 2 separate signals. one lighter then the other.
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Post by Zumlin »

Your right Bopper, it is louder, I have tried both ways, Just close range people get mad if they get offended by that type of thing...hehe

CJ, try the gnd of scope probe to the chassis, then take a small thin solid piece of wire 1 turn snug around the outside of the antenna coax with both ends connected together to the probe on 1X......drop the voltage on the scope it may pick up some signal that way, maybe your t is mismatched and you see reflection.
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