Definition Please
Definition Please
Hey Everybody
I'm a newbie and I'm hearing a term I've never heard before. Can someone explain to me what "Pill" means. From the context I'm sure it is a measurement of energy, but how does a "pill" compare to a "watt"? Or are they completely different?
I'm a newbie and I'm hearing a term I've never heard before. Can someone explain to me what "Pill" means. From the context I'm sure it is a measurement of energy, but how does a "pill" compare to a "watt"? Or are they completely different?
Here's a pic of a 1 pill, see the white transistor(1446) in the middle, thats the pill
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Not exactly, dual final radios will have a pair of 1969's or 2312's or some similar transistor that has a different case style that isn't at all "pill like". These transistors have a rating of aprox. 18-20W output each, depending on whose data sheet you read. That's how you get that"10W dk swinging 40W" scenario. However, Galaxy 95's & 93's use 2290's for finals, the Connex 4300-300 uses 4 1446's for finals. Plus some others that list 50W Am to 100W SSB wattage, these would be using the "pill" type finals. SD1446, 2SC2290, 2SC2879 are the most common "pills" for amps. A Google search will get you the data sheets on each showing the case design, design parameters, wattage output, etc. 

Here's a pic of a dual final radio, they don't have pills, 2 on the right are the finals, one on the left is the driver, hope that helps
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