Dosy meters are they that good ???

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Bigpimp347 [UK]
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Dosy meters are they that good ???


Post by Bigpimp347 [UK] »

Whats with all the hype on Dosy meters ??
are they really that good ???

they look good and seem to measure upto and beyond..

i am currently thinking of buying a 4001 meter,
so what do i get for my money are the sensitive and acurate ??
or am i as well buying a cheap Zetagi/workman type for half the money..

i only need it to read upto 1kw but the 4001 is cheap..
I want to die asleep like my grandad did,
Unlike his passengers, Screaming and shouting.!!
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Meters are meters for the most part. Some better then others, but most have faults. The bad thing about Dosy meters is the 90 degree rf input, and output, that adds tons of reflect to the system (ADDS SWR). However most Dosys are concidered to be "better" SWR/Watt meters then alot.
You cant get a straight answer really on this because, Ive pulled (2) new Dosy 4002PSWs out of the box, and both read opposite of eachother. Rare? Yes, fluke? More then likely. Its still my favorite dosy meter however. If you buy one, pay a little extra and get the dealer to align it for ya!
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Post by THUMPER »

Mr.RadioActive wrote:Meters are meters for the most part. Some better then others, but most have faults. The bad thing about Dosy meters is the 90 degree rf input, and output, that adds tons of reflect to the system (ADDS SWR). However most Dosys are concidered to be "better" SWR/Watt meters then alot.
You cant get a straight answer really on this because, Ive pulled (2) new Dosy 4002PSWs out of the box, and both read opposite of eachother. Rare? Yes, fluke? More then likely. Its still my favorite dosy meter however. If you buy one, pay a little extra and get the dealer to align it for ya!
HUMM HOW ABOUT DOSY VS BIRD............................LOL
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Thats a ez one, Dosy RULES!!!! LOL, JUST KIDDING!!!!
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