Noise Toy

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Noise Toy


Post by Shaft »

I bought this noise toy from Duck Commander and I have a few questions about it. I hooked it up today to try it out. While hooked up to my Uniden PRO510xl, I can't hear on the receive. I know it's getting signal because I can see the meter moving when I keyed up my other PRO510. When using one of these toys do you have to use an external speaker?

The 2nd question I have is does anyone know how to record to this thing?


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Post by Shaft »

I figured out how to make it record. Now to figure out why I can't hear it receive.
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Post by mopar2ya »

I am going to be doing some guessing here. My first assumption would be that the receive pin is not properly wired on the unit. You have to have the mic plugged in on the radio to get receive, correct? If that unit is preventing receive, I would open it up and check that there is a wire from pin 4 on the input to pin 4 on the output.

Even if the wire is there, it may not be making proper contact. Ground pin 4 on the output of the noise toy box temporarily to see if receive comes back.


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Post by Shaft »

That makes sense. Thanks, I'll take a look at it.
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4600 Turbo
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Post by 4600 Turbo »

I bought one of these and I would like to know why my radio sounds different with the toy box on than when the toy box is off.

What I'm getting is a tinnier sound with the toy box on. I thought it should sound just like my radio sounds normally

Could it be that the box puts more voltage into the radio when it's on. The box does run on 12v. and don't radios actually run internally on 8volts.

Would a capacitor or resistor work to get the tinny sound out.
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Post by DJboutit »

Those are junk throw it away or selling it many people are gonna start hating you for using it
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dud muck
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Re: Noise Toy


Post by dud muck »

is that a digital sound recorder?
how come the labels are covered with black tape?

I would think an appropriate sound bite would be from the psychic Tangina from poltergiest.
"y'all mind hanging back? you're jamming my frequencies."

Or maybe that "failure to communicate" line from cool-hand luke.
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