RCI2950 fades out

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RCI2950 fades out


Post by REBEL »

ive got an older RCI2950 have replaced memorie batt. a couple times. But now the digital readout will come on for a few seconds an then just fade out. radio still talks and recieves. is there another batt. somewhere else inside i cant find?
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Post by T2W »

REBEL wrote:ive got an older RCI2950 have replaced memorie batt. a couple times. But now the digital readout will come on for a few seconds an then just fade out. radio still talks and recieves. is there another batt. somewhere else inside i cant find?
nope.. sounds like your radio needs repair..
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Wordwide & Qualified
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Post by 316 »

Have you tried just tapping the top of your radio, mine did something similar and that's what I did and haven't had a problem since.
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Post by SkinnyPuppy »

I have two 2970s, one is about two weeks old, the other about a month old. The newest ones display shut off one night although I could still hear the sound. I turned it off and back on and all was well. I haven't had that problem since. I would bring it in for repair since it keeps happening.
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