Connex 4300hp problems

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Connex 4300hp problems


Post by bigbird01 »

Hello all,

I'm new to the forums. I have a question about my radio, I have the connex 4300hp. I bought it off a friend of mine about a month ago. I originally ran the Wilson 2000 ant. But for some reason today was messing around with the radio and was keying up and was going to about 2, but if i put my hand up there I went to about 6. So figured there was a problem with ground or something. So I put the old Francis antennas back on in the factory mounts. And seemed like all is working well....... But my problem now is I have it set on D and +10 is off. And I am hearing people VERY far away cannot talk but can hear like 600+ miles to some people. And i switched to a different channel earlier to talk to someone to get off 19 and all I heard was HAM channels so I got off that channel. Seems like something is messed up I have never had this problem before. If someone could please help it would be appreciated thanks. Maybe something came lose in there or something. But 19 seems ok but can hear very far away
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Post by busman »

you are probably hearing skip. if you dont have a freq. counter on that thing you need to get one. tthe texas ranger fc-390 frequicy counter will plug right in the back of a connex. it does my connex 4300-300. look on the back of the radio and there should be a plug like thing that says fc on it.
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Post by bigbird01 »

is there any way not to hear the skip?
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Post by busman »

squelch it out. when that skip is rolling some of the signals are as loud as the locals. not much you can do. get you a big amp and talk back at them. :D
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Post by bigbird01 »

so they can skip on any 1-40 ch regular CB channels? I'm going to get a freq counter tomorrow, I have been wanting one just to see where I'm at. But yeah that was weird I'm on Band D and it was just crazy today with that..... I'm sorta radio illiterate lol. I thank you for the help.
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Post by busman »

sometime that skip is on all the channels. if you had single side band radio it would be on there to. freq counter is the only way to go .
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Post by bigbird01 »

so they can skip on any 1-40 ch regular CB channels? I'm going to get a freq counter tomorrow, I have been wanting one just to see where I'm at. But yeah that was weird I'm on Band D and it was just crazy today with that..... I'm sorta radio illiterate lol. I thank you for the help.
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Post by bigbird01 »

Probably a stupid question, but until I get my freq counter to make sure I'm not on any HAM channels. I was told when I got the radio to stay on D that is Normal CB channels is this true A,B,C,E,F are HAM freqs. And to stay off those channels. Just wanting to make sure I'm correct on this.

And also since I'm hearing these skips on Band D I can respond with no problems to see if anyone can hear me? Thanks in advance. Also I see alot about sidebands. The connex does not have a switch for sideband like the galaxy does it still have sideband? Probably to many questions but thanks again
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Post by busman »

no side band on your radio. stay on d-band thats cb band 1-40.
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