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littlesquirt 25



Post by littlesquirt 25 »

My nieghbor which is about 5 houses down talked on 10 meter and said he can hear me bleeding over on 10 meter band when i am out talking skip all cranked up are there some things i could do to help this situation.??
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Post by mopar2ya »

Yes there are, but you aren't going to like them.

1. Run a legal station.
2. Turn what you have down to a level that doesn't splatter more than 1 MHz.

The close proximity that you have to this person isn't going to do you any favors. 5 houses can be pretty close depending on where you live. You may just have to try and avoid each other.


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Post by drdx »

Go mobile, turn it down, ease up on the modulation, or if you have a beam, point it away, not that in your proximity will make that much difference on the last part. Unfortunately, only a mhz away, it's not like you can go to any type of filter, its too close in frequency. Being that he's on 10 meters, he might be getting down to you at that close range, if he is running a 100w hf rig. If you can hear him bleeding at all, it might help the case for working out a mutual avoidance plan. -drdx
Yes it's me, Dollar-98, drdx, the original all maul, shot cawla on workin this no-fade technology.

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Post by drgrant »

-Reduce your output a bit, especially WRT overmodulation, etc. Dump the extra power if you don't need it.
(eg, unless you're working DX, just shut the amp off or crank the radio down... during non hostile conditions
a few watts will get you across town just as well as 100+ does.

-I agree that 5 houses isn't very far though.... and at that kind of range, you might even be crashing his
RX with a 4 watt cb running less than 100% modulation. Depending on how well you know the guy
I would try going to "legal" levels and see if you're still messing with his RX. If it is happening at that
point there is not much you can do on your end. That kind of distance is "front end overload"

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Post by DJboutit »

Could be the cheap coax radio is not tuned right or your antenna is not tuned either
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