the most valuable peice of advice i can offer

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the most valuable peice of advice i can offer


Post by triple7wva »

if are dead set on opining up your tube equipment to try to work on it your self unplugg it and key the damn transformer and caps dead...and allways keep one hand in your pocket...that kind of voltage can kill you....not trying to sound like a expert but i had a good friend who got zapped by a 3CX15000A7 box and killed him dead........jas.

:evil: that goes for any high power radios or amps :evil:
Last edited by triple7wva on May 10th, 2007, 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ind Bellybutton


Post by Ind Bellybutton »

Lot of those mankillers still around too. I got lucky and only arced a low powered plate. Still shriveled my appendages for a bit...
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Post by triple7wva »

those 3CX15000A7 boxes will do 30kw. ive never seen one do it but so ive been told. ive only took one zap and that was from a tube radio. i think it was a Layeffette or a browning transmitter..but it defintly will hurt you....jas
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Post by PA629 »

High voltage is part of the "mystique" of the old tubers.

"I love the smell of high voltage arcs in the morning. It smells like.....Victory."

Drain those caps to ground kiddies........... :shock: :wink: 8)
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Post by THUMPER »

triple7wva wrote:if are dead set on opining up your tube equipment to try to work on it your self unplugg it and key the damn transformer and caps dead...and allways keep one hand in your pocket...that kind of voltage can kill you....not trying to sound liek a expert but i had a good friend who got zapped by a 3CX15000A7 box and killed him dead........jas.
really good point but it just not for tubes also goes for any high power radio or amp !
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Post by triple7wva »

good point thumper....jas
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dud muck
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Post by dud muck »

THUMPER wrote:really good point but it just not for tubes also goes for any high power radio or amp !

1000 watts RF at 50ohms is 224 volts.


The 3CX15000A7 runs at 7 to 8,000 volts DC.
Any amplifier build with that needs to have a lid switch to shut the thing off when the cover is removed.
Kinda like how your clothes dryer shuts off when you open the door.
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Post by 058hamer »

use a shorting stick then handcuff it to ground it won't just hurt you IT CAN KILL YOU 058hamer
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Post by Graywolf »

NO KIDING, I started out with old tube types and still use a Mavrick 250 drivin witha Raider both with 6LQ6 tubes. As stated the amps these can hold will singe your wiskers. I've been lucky to have been hit twice in my life time and that was after I thought all volts had been drained out of the capitors..on the second time i learned after a 20 minute nap that wasnt the case..30 years later and I still watch my p's & q's
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Post by Visegrip »

PHEW! glad i found this discussion. i got an old grass cutter 101EE, was debating on popping the top,just out of curoisisty. I think i leave that to the experts,know any one who can change out the tubes and neutralize it for me
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Post by TWODOG »

Can you discharge the tubes and capacitors the same way you would a TV tube, connect a jumper wire from ground to an insulated screwdriver and then touch the screwdriver to the BIG wire powering them?
I can't remember what you call the BIG wire, but on a tv i think it's the cathode, but it could be the anode. :?
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Post by Graywolf »

Yes you dicharge the voltage the same way you do a tv tube, 6LQ6 tubes are in a lot of boxs and they where first used in tv's. I Use a multimeter to discharge mine only to see them dead of juice, Yes big wire as u call it (cathlode) to a ground. Just make sure all voltage has been drained and remember 1 amp will kill you.
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