how many of yous have ran tube equpment?

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how many of yous have ran tube equpment?


Post by triple7wva »

im courious just to know how many of yous guys have ran and/or run tube radios or amps?

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Post by PA629 »

First radio back in the 60's was a Hallicrafters CB-3A, then got a Cobra Cam 88, and then a Browning Golden Eagle. Since then I've acquired 2 Tram D-201A's, another Cam 88, a whitefaced Johnson, an old Robyn, a Sonar, a non-working Demco Satellite, and a Comstat 25. Amps? I have 2 Firebird 500's, a Contex 6706, an old Maverick, and an SB-220. And, NO, nothing's for sale, and, yes, I'm always looking for 6lq6's!! :wink:

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Post by KI4MSJ »

I ran a Yaesu 902 dm. 125 watts easy. Best damn radio I ever ran. Man I miss it.
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Post by PA629 »

I have a line on a Yaesu FT-101EE with the 11M on board. Hopefully it'll work out and I can put the 2000GTL into "back-up" mode. :wink:
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Post by THUMPER »

triple7wva wrote:im courious just to know how many of yous guys have ran and/or run tube radios or amps?

yup have some i use both radio and amp
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Post by hotrod459magnolia »

i have ran a champ with 250b's in it, eagle 500 with 20lf6's, and my baby right know heathkit sb-221 with 2 3-500z's. the heathkit is the best box i have every ran.

459 in the mag
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Post by highdrive »

I ran a D&A mavrick 250 6 tuber back in da early 90's. It was my first go at working the tune/load. It kicked butt on the airwaves...and also blew up a tv set!
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Post by triple7wva »

im just glad to hear that are still people that know how to run a tube station. im working on a writing up a list of tubes and tube outputs and what not. i used to know most of that stuff by heart but like the old saying goes "if you dont use it you lose it"

jason :D
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Big B
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Post by Big B »

PA629 wrote:First radio back in the 60's was a Hallicrafters CB-3A, then got a Cobra Cam 88, and then a Browning Golden Eagle. Since then I've acquired 2 Tram D-201A's, another Cam 88, a whitefaced Johnson, an old Robyn, a Sonar, a non-working Demco Satellite, and a Comstat 25. Amps? I have 2 Firebird 500's, a Contex 6706, an old Maverick, and an SB-220. And, NO, nothing's for sale, and, yes, I'm always looking for 6lq6's!! :wink:

Does this qualify me for membership? 8)
Have you ever considered converting from 6LQ6's to 24LQ6's or 31LQ6's?? They are cheaper..........
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King Mudduck


Post by King Mudduck »

I use a Tram D201-A and a Browning Mark 3 and a Browning S-23/R-27. Also a Siltronix 1011C. I also have a few Tube amps as well and let me tell you, you cant beat the sound quality and the super strong modulation of a tube radio!
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Post by Popcorn501 »

Use to have a Browning S9/r2700(s-9 6 channel TX) into a jb-12 into a 10 tube phantom.The audio was unbelievable!!
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Post by outlawmobile »

Used to have a Varmint 450 xl base amp,that thing was an audio monster.Also had a Siltronix 1011c at one point in time,neat old tube rig.Shawn
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Post by triple7wva »

D&A phantoms were sweet boxes,all the D&A's that ive had were good clean boxes with great audio. ive had 3 D&A's, raider,maverick and the phantom. i wanna get a heathkit 3-500z box and a nice tube radio. sold my tube radios a few years back. id like to find a yeasu tube base. i had a chance to buy a FT-210 awhile back but passed on it....jas.

wernt the varmits base/mobiles? i seem to rember having one that would run base and could go mobile...
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Post by outlawmobile »

I know for sure the one I had was a base only model,I have seen mobile varmints also but I don't know if they made a base/mobile or not.Its certainly possible I guess.Shawn
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Post by triple7wva »

ive got pics of it somewhere taht i have to scan onto my pc...jas.
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Punkin Head


Post by Punkin Head »

I have had a varmit 250, maco 500, tempo one, messenger 2, black cat mobile amp, jc penny 23 channel, prolly others that i cant think of right now.
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Post by keibler »

i well my dad had an old messenger 222 23 Chanel and an astro 6 12 amp now my r m 750 amp good amp has 10 tubs in it lots of power i like that way :D
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Mr Love
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Post by Mr Love »

had a KLV-1000 it did about 900 watts it worked good for about 3 years
then up and died now i cant find no one to fix it whole bunch of tubes too
now i run pills dont need to tune load just my input KLVsucks :(
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dud muck
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Post by dud muck »

I'm on the internet, and the internet is a "series of tubes"

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does that count?
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Post by KI4MSJ »

That's a good one. Almost as good as Al Gore(I think) said, he invented the internet.
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Post by 928bolo »

Not to get to nostalgic but I think tube radios sound better. The receive quality seems richer in tone since most of the these radios had large speakers.

When keyed the slap of a Tram II or the squeal of a Browning let everyone know what radio you were running.
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Post by Visegrip »

I'm currently running a Yaesu FT 101EE into a Yaesu FL 2100B.
Its not "doing" what it should though. I FINALLY found a guy to work on it for me.
Hopefully in the next few weeks it'll be up and running again
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Post by outlawmobile »

928bolo wrote:Not to get to nostalgic but I think tube radios sound better. The receive quality seems richer in tone since most of the these radios had large speakers.

When keyed the slap of a Tram II or the squeal of a Browning let everyone know what radio you were running.
I used to get all kinds of compliments on how nice my Varmint base amp sounded.Was told more than a few times it had broadcast quality audio.I sure do miss that amp,but my neighbors dont :lol: Shawn
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Post by causmik »

I have never owned a tube set....amp or otherwise. One of these days I will find a decent base and put it in line so as to compare the audio. Obviously "glass on glass" would be optimum but for the time being would one be better off to run a tube radio into a solid state amp or solid into a tube amp.

Seems like a tube radio into the pill amp (quality one of course) might be the way to go for now. Any input fellow tube-a-holics?

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Post by linx »

I run a tube amp. RM KLV1000. Never had any problems with it. It pushes anly about 1100 watts, but with an expensive set of tubes I have been told by another local that runs one it can push 2500 or so. I know that running 1100 tube watts, I smash 1200 watt pill amps my neighbor's run.
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