C O P-P E R pipe ground system idea

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C O P-P E R pipe ground system idea


Post by North Texas Mudduck »

check this out

fixing to run a 3/4 inch c o p p er tubing from the back of desk over to the wall down the wall and outside
stick out the outside wall about 3 inches with elbow down about 1 foot underground then with a tee going north and south at the ends of the 25 foot pipe a 8 foot ground rod will be in place
then where pipe comes out of wall a rod will be sit in place as well all joints soldered and flat strap used to connect to the ground rods

where the 3/4 inch pipe runs along back side of desk and down the wall all the equipment will be grounded to the setup.

just happen to pipe a new house and and had some extra pipe an joints left over

going to be running cop-per pipe in back yard as well for tower and beam
then connect the entire pipe setup together

what we think?????????? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Post by 316 »

I don't understand, are you tying to use it as a dipole, or a ground, sounds cool, just don't understand whatyou are getting out of it?
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North Texas Mudduck
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

going to be using it for a c o p-p e r ground tubing for grounding purposes
lots of equipment that needs to be grounded out.
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Post by bookie »

its a ground. kinda like the radiator idea but with pipe instead. the pipe would work fine even better if you drill some small holes and poor a little salt water in the pipe that is underground it will promote a better ground. i'm not sure where you are from, but just remember that the condensation could build up along the pipe in the house. i would end the pipe just outside and run a ground cable inside.

that's just my .02

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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

and if i just ran a flat strap inside instead of c-o-p-p-e-r pipe then i could just have a buss bar and attach everything to that.

im thinking overkill i guess
where its comes outside then down just in front of the tee a ground rod will go down
then on the north bound pipe at the end would be another ground rod
then on the south bound end another ground rod

each ground rod would be about 25 to 30 feet apart
then one ground rod would be about 2 feet from inside equipment
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Post by 316 »

Ok gotcha, I never heard of that before.
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

you always hear everyone wanting to attach ground to the cop-per water pipes in house why not just make my own cop-per pipe ground system.?
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Post by Mississippifrog »

The saying goes" you can never have enough ground" :lol:

I have a ground rod installed at the back of my base setup as well with two more ground rods at the bottom of the tower.

I say go for it :wink:
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

then we begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will take some pics and post them from begin to end
first need to repaint future radio room
then the drilling of holes will begin
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Post by steved »

I have records from the 30s where they took sheets of c-o-p-p-e-r mesh and buried it in carbon for whatever reason...this was used in a facility that required optimum lightning protection...

I have also seen them bury a "grid" of cop-per wire around big antenna arrays to serve as a ground...they were very paranoid we'd drill through one when we were conduction geotechnical drilling...

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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

same way on my last base antenna install

i removed top 3 inches of dirt to redo grass laid down like 5 rolls of wire looked like i was fixing to pour concrete
at each corner of wire i drove a ground rod in
each roll i brazed with torch then connected it to the tower and the radio equipment
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Post by HOUND DOG »

I don't know what equipment your grounding but it sounds like a good ground for roof top lightening rods:-) I'm not a big electrical guy so all I did was run a additional #10 wire from my (already electrically grounded) homemade desk top electric distribution center, down through the floor to a cold water copperpipe with a clamp. My 200 amp electrical service panel is also grounded to my cold water copperpipes. My well is about 90 ft deep so a guess I have a good ground. The only place I use a ground rod is at the base of my tower.
Good luck with your grounding project.
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Post by BtyMONSTER »

people used to ground to water pipes because they were a easy ground to find and make . But................. that was before plastic/vinyl plumbing components were available . now-a days you cant just do that . even though its against building codes in many areas many repairs and additions are done without proper inspections and some will mix in new plastic/vinyl pipe/fittings (its cheaper-quicker-easier and no fire hazzard). once you loose coppper to coppper contact your ground is gone .
my point is you have to optically (with your eyes) inspect every single inch of that potiental grounding pipe from the point of ground contact at the component you want grounded to the burrial point into the ground to make sure youre contacting something that will actually ground . thats impossible in a home that already has sheetrock walls . you also gotta check under the house too , maybe crawling on your back on dirt in a dark cramped area with creepy crawlies inspecting (hopefully) the correct pipe not to mention what crawls of jumps out when peeking behind the floor insulation while checking for contious coppper pipe .
im not trying to make a big deal of this ...just pointing out that to have a good ground you have to be sure to ground to something thats grounded to start with .
i wouldnt build a pipe system in my home to gound some electronics .
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billy the kid


Post by billy the kid »

Sounds like a good idea it is a fact u cant git anough ground lol i got grounds on every thang i have meters, driver, big box, antenna, radio, every thang lol it has been workin fine but i started feedin back threw the mike the other day i thang my coax goin to my antenna is goin bad changed all my jumpers goin to have to change my coax. 73's

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Post by SlowNeasy »

Hound Dog's got the right answer...
No need to go to other expense...

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Big Guns


Post by Big Guns »

Running copper pipe is ok just squeeze it flat because it will work better. RF doesn't like flat surfaces.
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Post by BtyMONSTER »

heres some more info . i didnt read it all but this site has pretty good info .
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Post by DX47 »

Not sure if I read correctly, but I think you stated you are going to put a T down, in the ground, about 25 feet long, with a ground rod at each end. That would be fine, but you need to get a real ground as close as you can to your station, and that means at least a 8ft rod unless you live on the coast. The copper pipe is ok, but a lot of times the soil can be dry up to several feet down, which is why you need the ground rod. One or 2 rods close to your station would be much better than having all that pipe in the ground with rods at each end.

Forgive me if I read the post wrong. :D
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

BOOTYMONSTER wrote:heres some more info . i didnt read it all but this site has pretty good info .
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good reading there
thanks for the link

as to the t connector when i come out the wall of house i will go down with copper pipe 6 inches to foot but also i will have a copper rod at that point
then the copper pipe will run horizontal about 25 feet to the corner of the house then make a left then hook up to the base of tower along with copper pipes and rod in the ground
where it makes a left copper rod at that point

then then copper pipe will run horizontal another 25 feet the other direction then copper rod 8foot as well

hope i didnt make it sound more confusing
when i get the room repainted and start on the grounding i will take some pics
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