tvi through satalite tv?

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tvi through satalite tv?


Post by mudduckkiller »

i just set up my base at my new house, I'm running a maco v58 with a 12ft mass pipe off the top of my house my guess would be about 28-30' to the base of the antenna, i am running 50' of rg8u into a bencher filter and the radio is a cobra 200gtl dx with a d104 m6b mic. now my ? is what would be causing me to bleed over the neighbors satellite and bad at that she told me everything i was talking about and said she just had to turn off the TV because i was clearing her receive :D . now i have a 6' ground rod pounded into the ground with ground strap running from the base of the antenna down to it, i was told that ground strap will not work for base applications is this true? also i have tons of trees and my antenna is below them would it help if i was the get the antenna higher than the trees? sorry for all the ?'s I'm just new to the whole base thing. thanks
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Punkin Head


Post by Punkin Head »

the higher you can get the better you will be with tx/rx and tvi problems, it will help eleminate some of it. I have always went to lowes or home depot and got a roll of solid copppper ground wire and used on a base antenna and radios. I got the biggest I could get. I used an 8 foot ground rod but 6 ft should be fine I dont think 2 feet should/would make much difference. also make sure your swr is good. when the radio was peaked and tuned was it clipped? that could cause it to splatter more and cause more tvi.

just my .02 cents here hope it helps and hope u get it fixed.

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Post by mudduckkiller »

thanks i will try the solid ground wire your not he first person to tell me that, as for the radio it hasn't been touched as far a mod clipping and such just opened up the channels for 11 meter. thanks again for the input
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Red Ranger
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Post by Red Ranger »

Poor quality TV coax and older TVs also add to bleed over on neighbors.
843 Red Ranger waivin a hand

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Post by ChairmaninChief »

Please explain me what TVI is ?
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Post by ChairmaninChief »

Please disregard that Question ! I thought you was talking about something different :-(
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Post by 231 »

Actually a good quality ground is VERY important. And 8' is the minimum you want for the ground rod with just a few inches sticking up for connections. I ground all my radio equipment. Also a simple coaxial choke just before your antenna might help, too.

I doubt there will be any 1 thing that solves the problem 100%...but likely several things. Do you bleed on ANY of the stuff in your own home? If so, you are likely bleeding on others, too. If you do a google search on RFI you'll find tons of links on this subject.

Good luck. ;)
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Post by mudduckkiller »

i just bought the house and am just finishing up remodeling it so i dont have any of my stuff moved in yet just the cb stuff so im not sure if i am bleeding my own stuff yet, i hope i can figure out what is causing the problem so i can run a base if not i will just sell all my base stuff and build the mobile i guess but im not giving up without a fight :D
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Sheriff Bart
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Post by Sheriff Bart »

Try upgrading to a double shield coax. I think 213 would be the least expensive then 214 then the 400 series. The quality of RG 8 can vary drastically depending on who made it. (please don't say radio shack). After using the double shielded coax then make sure your grounding is correct.

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Post by doctor »

WOW ground more and as BART says try the other coax, also these installers are sometimes dummies on sticks, you might if they allow it check to see if they have a ground on the satelite antenna, some of them just put in a short copper tubing and it really isn't much of a ground, also put some rf chokes on your coax behind the pl259 connector which screws into your antenna about five or six should do the trick, the snap on kind that should clean it up..I forgot do you have the bencher connected behind the radio??? and also if you do and have an amp put it on the amp.
I got my rf chokes clamp on on ebay<that nasty place>, they did the trick when I put them behind the antenna connector on the coax..

My 1 cents

DOCTOR/795 :shock:
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Post by mudduckkiller »

man this is a hard one to do, i dont know if i want to keep spending money on the base and find out im just out of luck or count my losses and sell my base stuff and set up the mobile for about 3-4kw :lol: but i would like to be able to run a base with a little bit of power to talk to some local long distance buddys.
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

how many watts is that cobra 200 doing?after your improvements check with your neighbor maybe get her on phone to help do a test key up with very low power and increase slightly to see exactly when it starts bleeding thats a start
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Post by mudduckkiller »

well i tried a grant xl, cobra 29 and a bone stock 29 and all came through, i just wish she was a nicer lady :roll:
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Sheriff Bart
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Post by Sheriff Bart »

it's cool you got that Bencher inline but if the RG-8 you're using is lossy then you might as well bench that Bencher (pun is intended). I think your problem is right there staring at you. Get some double shielded coax between your bencher and the V-5/8. RG-213, RG-214, lmr-400 will perform better and assist in keeping those harmonics from radiating.

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Duck Commander


Post by Duck Commander »

I have a Maco V-5000 and have a 8' C-o-p-p-e-r rod drove in the ground ive never blead on the neighbors but they live about 1/4 mile up the road from me but do bleed over the tele in the house my antenna is about 100 yards from the house in the shop i use LMR 400 coax but doesnt affect the TV at all now back when i had it in the house i had CB Shop special :roll: coax and was runnin that DRAKE tuber amp in ther it did make the TV go kinda fuzzy from time to time :wink:
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Post by Red Warrior »

Sounds like you are radiating through the shield of your coax. As suggested before, try a coax balun placed right before the antenna. You can build one yourself with a 12 foot piece of coax and some cable ties. Lots of ham sites show you how. Also not getting connections tight will cause this problem.
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dud muck
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Post by dud muck »

you've got lots of great suggestions here.

Only thing i can say is..

about base-station grounds: don't use an existing house ground, like wall-socket ground or cold water pipe, usually makes things worse. The c0pper stake in the ground is great, unless the length of wire to it resonates at your transmit frequency.

If following the advice of the previous posts doesn't completely resolve the issue. You might have to install some ferrite beads (mix 31 or 43) on your neighbor's tv and/or dish box. It just takes experimentation trying them on AC power chords and coax.
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Post by newboy »

I had set up my base last weekend.I have two Radios ,Cobra 29 ltd from Sparky Radio Shop and Galaxy 595 dx from Radio Active with SWP & SDX.They all connect to Imax 2000 with total high is 54 feets .I use Cable LMR400 With YA-1 filter in line .The Galaxy 595 dx connected to Messenger 450 Amp.I had two ground rods 8 feets into ground.All my Radios and Amp connected to the ground rod.the other rod for Antenna ground.My swr is 1.2 ,when i key up it swings over 450 amp on the meter.My SAT for TV is Ok.Phone and Computer are all working normal.
I think your problem may be in R-58 Cable !!.You can try get some good cable like the other people told you.
Good luck !
newboy 252
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Post by 231 »

dud muck wrote:you've got lots of great suggestions here.

Only thing i can say is..

about base-station grounds: don't use an existing house ground, like wall-socket ground or cold water pipe, usually makes things worse. The c0pper stake in the ground is great, unless the length of wire to it resonates at your transmit frequency.

If following the advice of the previous posts doesn't completely resolve the issue. You might have to install some ferrite beads (mix 31 or 43) on your neighbor's tv and/or dish box. It just takes experimentation trying them on AC power chords and coax.
I agree. Yet another thing that is common & important is the coax your neighbor is using. Believe it or not bad connections and/or cheap RG-6 (or whatever she is using) on that cable will allow the RFI to enter...literally voiding any rejection built into it. This is sometimes overlooked.

But as far as your neighbor is concerned, it's your fault (even though it may not be). But the truth of the matter is if you are bleeding even with a legal wattage (and FCC certified) radio it could very well be on her end. The only way to tell is through trial and error one thing at a time. Thus I mentioned it's likely not going to be any one thing that'll solve the problem.

Often part of problem becomes how do you two work together with your neighbor to solve the problem...especially with a neighbor who isn't cooperative? Well, there are articles on the ARRL website that talk specifically about this. Only they are geared toward hams...NOT CB'ers. But you may find some helpful ideas looking at it. Ferrites and a perhaps a new jumper(s) for her might be in order and are cheap...but if you read the ARRL site about it, it's best you don't touch any of her stuff. Hopefully your neighbor will work with you to solve the problem.

Just a little more food for thought. ;)
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Post by doctor »

I have to agree with the fellows it is looking at you, especially since you have tried many radios and they all do it.
Cheap route so far reground everything to the outside not in the house, sometimes rfi likes to travel down the ac line from the radio that is for rf chokes to be placed on.
I would say after trying new ground on the equipment and if it still interfers, it is the coax,
Neighbors can get nasty and if she advises she placed a phone call to you know who, I would have a detuned cb radio hooked up and the other equipment away for a while, but hopefully after new grounding and coax it will be ok.

DOCTOR/795 :shock:

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Post by mudduckkiller »

thanks for all the help guys as soon as this rain lets up i will be out there trying to figure it out, i am getting solid ground wire and a 8' ground rod and just use the 6' ground rod i have in the ground already for the radios and such. I am going to order up some new coax and am looking at the 213 but was wondering how much better the lmr 400 or the 217 is? is it worh it? i dont mind spending the money if its that much better.
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