TRAM TALK is it possible to (pimp) my tram?

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rev ike
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TRAM TALK is it possible to (pimp) my tram?


Post by rev ike »

I'm just wondering if anybody knows just how much can really be done to a TRAM D201A and is it really possible to have a super tram?Ive heard about the big boys of the old days but were they lying or dreaming or what?From general appearance it seems that there are potentials but as with any idea there is a break point.Any input will be respectfully appreciated...IKE :)
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Post by BigBopper »

That radio is top shelf, a lot can be done to them, they swing well and have some of the best audio out there, you need to find an old school radio tech to check it over and get it to 100% modulation, and man you have a big radio,,,
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

kinda still looking ,its old most people say sell the {(S. B.)} but i like it it was new looking till i took it to a so called tech two yrs ago he put it on his nasty table and scratched my wood ,smoked a cigarette blew smoke on it,told me i needed to leave it so he could order me some tubes i knew better there were two trams on the floor in pieces and i thought i aint leaving $$###!( so I'm just getting over this near tragedy) as i had a tube tester at home and a few extra take out tubes from the community. i called the guy on the tram the same day from across town and talked to a few others then the guy said to me you could have been talking on your tram if you woudda let me fix it I'm hot again! what a joke!! :evil: I'm in school now (basic electronics)so one day well try to[ PIMP my TRAM ] thanks big popper :wink: / sorry for the ramble /i had to get it outta my system :lol:
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

any body know what wattage its capable of?
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QuickSilver 112
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Post by QuickSilver 112 »

Should do 15-25 with good power tube they can key to 5-9 and swing to 15-25 but with low key 15 or so thats the way the 1 i had would do but iv heard some get alot more but not sure on that awsome radio dont sell it with good tech you will have a audio monster hope this helps 8)
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Post by 928bolo »

Pushing this radio beyond 4 watts will shorten it's life pretty quick. Repairs will be very expensive (more than just replacing the tubes).

The 201 & 201A are loud radios. Tram did not recommend an amplified mic (they shipped with an non amplified D104). The mic gain really works. Clean sound without any gimmicks.
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

thank you guys for the replies
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209 first class
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Post by 209 first class »

what kinda pimpin u hoping for ? just curious. i have a d201, it keys 7-8 watts, swings to 15-18. have u adjusted the variable modj trimmer/potentiometer? mine swung higher turned all the way up. maybe u have already dont that. 209
2zero9 workin this top secret station in massachusetts.
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Spitfire 441
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Post by Spitfire 441 »

If you want to know about Tram D201's . Get ahold of this guy. He fixes them right.
My advice, keep it close to stock power, there is plenty of audio in those rigs. If you want more power, always best just get a good amplifier.
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

thanks I'm gonna go slowly this time but i did do some stuff to it before when i borrowed a manual I'm thinking about getting ready to use it again I've forgotten all that was done
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Post by BigBopper »

Buy a Sam's photofacts# 88 covers mods ect for the trams, find them online
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Post by crazytruker »

I've had some experience talking on a d201a and some discussions. What I was told is that you can get a bit more power out them than a Browning. The audio on the Tram is great. I don't know if it will equal or better a Browning but great non the less. A tram on a good base antenna smashes mud ducks all day. Crank up the mic gain and it will lay down some serious audio.
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Post by preacherman »

The older 201's will do a bit more than the 201A's,
but you can set it up to transmit on the vfo and go almost up into 10 meters.
They aren't a "great" ssb radio, although I've talked plenty of ssb skip in my
day on a 201a.

You can replace the audio tube with a 8417 and the output circuit can be modified
to run a 6146b final. With the stock final, mine was keying 7 and swinging to 35.
I did blow a bridge rectifier once...but hey, these are old radios. I'd set it up to key about
3 swinging to nearly 20 and drive a nice clean amp with it. These old plate modulated rigs
have world class audio. Big and smooth at the same time. Have fun Ike!
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

thanks preacher man and everyone else as well ... i know i used the word" pimp "like (my RIDE)the tv show but i really want the quality sound and depenability not trying to get too radical just plotting my next move for success i still havent found my mike yet dont want to wire another .... moving is rough man, still havent unpacked all the boxes in the shed. i do appreciate the info. and as soon as i get a chance & some extra cash :lol: ill get started on this project ,Sams photofact etc. and im always dreaming about the BIIGG amplifier but thats a future thread. :lol:
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Post by Jester »


I know this is an old thread, but I am getting ready to buy one of these radios on eBay to build my fantasy radio collection (after this, all I need is a Stoner Pro 40) and I need to know if there are things that I should NOT do to it...

I plan on keeping the radio stock and using a non-amplified D104 microphone. Will use in conjunction with a 2 transistor amplifier shorten the life of the tubes? I want to PROLONG the tube life, not shorten it. I also plan on cleaning it up a little, maybe check out the caps inside and make sure they are still OK...

Any ideas? Thank you!
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