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This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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Re: Homemade


Post by HomerBB »

If this is a vertical center fed dipole and what I see in the photo is your coax running alongside the bottom half of your dipole let me make two simple suggestions.
1. If your mast is metal add another foot of empty pvc to the bottom so the dipole and mast don't couple.
2. Pull your coax out away from your dipole at 90° angle for several feet so the feedline and dipole don't couple to each other.


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Added 2 minutes 9 seconds after previous.
The photo illustrates suggestion 2 only.
Suggestion 1 is worthless unless you get the coax away from the lower half of the dipole.
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Re: Homemade


Post by 26ICT001 »

Your swr problem is that you will be getting interaction between your coax dropping down the outside of the pipe and your counterpoise/ground plane inside your pipe, you need to look at it the same as when making a dipole your coax needs to be stood off away from the antena feedpoint at a 45% angle at least by say 2ft but more would be better, you really should be making a half wave end fed wire antenna for 11mt with a simple type 43 toroid transformer at the base and no ground planes or counterpoises to mess with. google build a HWEF wire antenna and you can use an online calculator for the wire length but it will be around 15ft - 18ft depending on the wire guage but you can use wide spaced coiling around a tube if needs be to shorten the vertical a bit, mine is in my bungalow loft but is 20m long wound around the loft horizontaly stapled to the wood trusses and I am heard in the antartic on the ham bands and have had many UK to the USA contacts on 10m which is just up a bit from the cb bands, great wire antenna to use and quiet noise wise compared to others I have tried, facebook has a good HWEF antenna group with lots of advice and information. You could even have the transformer at the top of your pipes and bring the wire down to a fence,tree,shed or another pole at and angle or even in an L shape and it will work just as good.

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Added 5 minutes 3 seconds after previous.
Got my angles messed up as HomerBB said 90% stand off.
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