yaesu ft-101e

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Punkin Head

yaesu ft-101e


Post by Punkin Head »

I have the chance to get one of these for $150 and it works 100% so my question is, is this radio worth this much, more, less? I want to know somewhat about how much this thing is worth before I go buy it. I am going to be needing a ham rig and this is a multi band radio from what I have found but I cant find out how much it is. I know its an older unit so if there are any of the ham guys here that have any info on this let me know please. It does also have a switch for 11 meter use :)
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Sheriff Bart
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Post by Sheriff Bart »

...buy it !!!

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Post by drdx »

It does have an 11 meter switch, but may not be converted. It does not have all of the HF ham bands, but most of the popular ones. It lacks 12, 17, 30 meters and I don't think it has 160, but not sure. It will operate on am,fm,cw, but not fm. It was a legendary unit and fun although they are getting harder to get worked on. There are also accessores out there including a matching amp(the fl2100b) and plug in digital freq. counter. They have transistorized receive and tube transmit. That sounds like a fair price, not a big fat bargain, but fair. -drdx
Yes it's me, Dollar-98, drdx, the original all maul, shot cawla on workin this no-fade technology.

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Post by Nick440 »

Most FT 101 E rigs that I have seen, with the plastic still on the front in mint condition sell for about $400. Thats no scratches etc, and has filters, and speech processor. The rig covers 80 to 10 meters, but not 12, 17, or 30, I believe it recieves on 160 meters but does not transmit there.

For $150 I would say buy it if its in full working order and has not been run by a CB'er. CB'ers got them and they fry the daylights out of them by running them wide open, and half the time they dont know how to tune the rig properly, so make sure its in good working order. You can get parts for that radio on Ebay every day, including spare tubes.

You might want to consider getting the frequency display for it too so you know what frequency your'e on , otherwise you'll be looking at the notches on the VFO dial trying to determine where you're at.

But overall the 101 E was a great talking radio, very popular back in the 70's, with tube finals, and solid state the rest of the way. Also D-104 lollipop mic's work great on 101E's too.

The 101 E can put out 100 watts on full power on most bands, and on AM they did about 60 watts but thats pushing the radio a bit hard and shortens the life of it. But for a starter HF rig its a real good choice.

You can see them all the time on Ebay in the ham radio section under Transcievers.

Good luck !
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