Mag mount Wilson 1000 with RFI

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Mag mount Wilson 1000 with RFI


Post by Av8r1 »

I was told by a couple people that the RFI I'm getting is most likely due to mag mount Wilson. RFI is coming in through the antenna.

Is there a way to run a ground from the mag. mount antenna to the frame or a good ground some where, to test it before drilling for a permanent mounted antenna?

I installed new plugs wires cap and rotor and I swear its a bit worse now.

Thanks :cry:
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Post by drdx »

Run a counterpoise (1/4 wave long, or about 9 ft., piece of insulated wire hooked to your radio's chassis to give it an artificial rf tuned ground. Cheap to try, priceless if it works. If it does, run the wire around under the trim. Tape off the bare end. -drdx
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King Mudduck


Post by King Mudduck »

Have you tried moving the mag mount to anther location?
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Post by Visegrip »

Moving the mag mount would be the easiest solution to try first.
While I don't have a mag mount I do see alot of them.

Most are dead center of the cab, but some are center left and right
and positioned to the rear of the cab about 6" in front of the cab light

Just a thought I hope it helps
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wood eye
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Post by wood eye »

May sound crazy, but my mag mount Wilson 5000 seems to do best toward the back of the cab on my 07 ranger x-cab.
wood eye
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Re: Mag mount Wilson 1000 with RFI


Post by dud muck »

I would think if your antenna had a problem, then you would see bad transmit VSWR.
It is a pre-requisite to have a reasonable VSWR.

Your troubles are ignition noise on the receive.
The radio's ANL/NB does a fair job of filtering out this type of noise, but the noise is still there.

The next thing to check is grounding. Check the braided strap which connects between your engine block and the chassis.
Often this strap is attached somewhere on the firewall. This strap can corrode with age, and its effectiveness at grounding the engine reduced. It is braided for more effective grounding at radio frequencies.

It can also help to install such braided straps across the hood hinges, to make the hood a better RF shield.
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