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Post by dud muck »

This amp is [Please login or register to view this link].

maybe i should have posted to the humor section?
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Post by 80 meter man »

Not for CB :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Jester »

When someone says "not for CB", they are really saying "Yeah, it's for CB, I just have to say that it's not so some crusty old ham radio **Censored** reports this sale to eBay or the FCC"

There is a guy on QRZ who's only duty in life is to shoot down linear sales on eBay. The guys call will not be given out as he is too lame to even speak of...


Jester #943
Downers Grove, IL
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Post by linx »

That's one massive steel tuber.

I don't have the cash, or I'd buy one. Maybe not that one, but maybe a cool Wizard box.

I agree with you there Jester.
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Post by 80 meter man »

Jester wrote:When someone says "not for CB", they are really saying "Yeah, it's for CB, I just have to say that it's not so some crusty old ham radio **Censored** reports this sale to eBay or the FCC"

There is a guy on QRZ who's only duty in life is to shoot down linear sales on eBay. The guys call will not be given out as he is too lame to even speak of...


Jester #943
Downers Grove, IL
Unfortunately many hams are like this. Not only hams but plenty of other folks think it's there job to Barny Fife the world. I know some hams can be real "Hind Quarters" but I try not to get down on them because first I am one (a ham that is) and second I'm also a CB'er (31 years).

I have read some stories on-line of guys that make it there mission to read every ebay ad looking for "illegal" equipment and not only do they report it to ebay they send letters to the FCC!! I can't imagine having that much free time on my hands! Out of all the stories I've read about this, one thing remains constant. They all complain that the FCC never replies to there letters and nothing ever gets done!! You would figure they would get the message after the 5th letter or so!! Every once in a while I'll reply to one of these posts I read on the ham sites and I can't believe the anger people come back at me with?? I will never understand the animosity between hams ans CB'ers? I find hams don't like CB'ers but most Cb'ers seem to have no problem with hams??? Who knows???
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Post by linx »

80 meter man wrote:
Jester wrote:When someone says "not for CB", they are really saying "Yeah, it's for CB, I just have to say that it's not so some crusty old ham radio **Censored** reports this sale to eBay or the FCC"

There is a guy on QRZ who's only duty in life is to shoot down linear sales on eBay. The guys call will not be given out as he is too lame to even speak of...


Jester #943
Downers Grove, IL
Unfortunately many hams are like this. Not only hams but plenty of other folks think it's there job to Barny Fife the world. I know some hams can be real "Hind Quarters" but I try not to get down on them because first I am one (a ham that is) and second I'm also a CB'er (31 years).

I have read some stories on-line of guys that make it there mission to read every ebay ad looking for "illegal" equipment and not only do they report it to ebay they send letters to the FCC!! I can't imagine having that much free time on my hands! Out of all the stories I've read about this, one thing remains constant. They all complain that the FCC never replies to there letters and nothing ever gets done!! You would figure they would get the message after the 5th letter or so!! Every once in a while I'll reply to one of these posts I read on the ham sites and I can't believe the anger people come back at me with?? I will never understand the animosity between hams ans CB'ers? I find hams don't like CB'ers but most Cb'ers seem to have no problem with hams??? Who knows???
I'm a ham and like CBers more than I like hams, lol. Maybe most hams don't like CBers b/c they are stepping on their turf, heck I don't know, but if it weren't for CB, I would have probably never got involved with ham. I just wanted to broaden my horizon. And yes, there are little trolls that feel it's their duty to inform sellers and 'bay about illegal amplifiers. I've even read on qrz and some sites that there are full time hams that volunteer with the fcc to monitor the bands to check callsigns. They sit in their dark room 20 hours a day looking up callsigns to assure they're real. I've looked up maybe 40 different callsigns of the hundreds of people I've talked to, lol. And that was just to re-pronounce their name right the next time I talk to them. It's all good....this seems like we're going in a different direction than this thread started :? .....or maybe it's we've had this discussion before :lol:
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Post by 80 meter man »

Hello linx, I'm in the same boat as you. If it was not for CB I would have never even thought of becoming a ham. I think hams should love CB'ers because the CB'ers are the ones keeping the ham hobby alive!! What's going to happen when there are no more CB'ers interested in ham radio? I think that very well might happen!!!

Those guys that volunteer are called OO's Official Observers. I have found them to be not so nice people.
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Post by rmyers2051 »

80 meter man wrote:Hello linx, I'm in the same boat as you. If it was not for CB I would have never even thought of becoming a ham. I think hams should love CB'ers because the CB'ers are the ones keeping the ham hobby alive!! What's going to happen when there are no more CB'ers interested in ham radio? I think that very well might happen!!!

Those guys that volunteer are called OO's Official Observers. I have found them to be not so nice people.

Yep, my life story too, CB, then ham. At it now since 1967
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Post by steved »

Couple points...these are things I've seen in the few Hams I've been around (not directed at anyone).

Most Ham operators, for whatever reason, think everyone else needs to be a Ham...even those on the CB. Most Hams think the CB should be made illegal for the general public to use for whatever reason (wonder what they think about FRS radios??). I can show you a dozen guys local to me that all feel CB frequencies should be removed from the general public...

I think it is the "eliteness" they think they've got since they have a piece of paper saying they are a Ham...they don't want someone encroaching on that with a "free" radio . And as we've seen, it isn't rocket science getting a Ham ticket anymore...I was lead to believe in the 80s that you basically had to be a college graduate to have a Ham ticket, because it was so tough taking the test.

Most Hams I've been around generally act like they are better than 90% of the people out there for whatever reason...I personally find most Ham operators repulsive for that very thing...sorry, you are not as great as you think you are...this is my main hangup with Hams.

I'm torn about getting my Ham ticket...on one hand I'd like to take the test and have the certification; on the other hand I don't want to be associated with Hams and their "eliteness."

And again, this is NOT aimed at anyone in particular, just some general observations I've seen personally.

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Post by doctor »

Yep there are people out there scanning all the classifieds, nothing else to do, but listen to the ham bands, on top of each other on frequencies, nasty names off/on and even on morse code<which I use>, nasty names sent.
Official observer, I got one a number of years ago explaining a frequency jump and the transmitter should be checked or stop using it, I sent my official reply back, you contact the manufacture and explain to him also if you dont like it I will take a check to have it fixed..nothing ever heard again, and the radio was brand new.

Lots of old school hams out there NOTHING ELSE TO DO EXCEPT HOLLER ON 75., I use both CB AND HAM after 40 plus years..and enjoy it

DOCTOR/795 :shock:
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Post by Turbo-T »

My 2 cents on this subject, twice I've had an amp pulled off ebay even though I put in my first ad that it was illegal on the 11 meter (cb) band but it was legal for 10 meter radios.

The second time I didn't even list if it was for 10 or 11 meter, I just listed the specs of the amp and again it got pulled.

Even better was ebay is reusing to credit me back the $4 I used to list it on there with. Screw ebay. I think they just lost another customer.

It's pretty sad if you have too much time on your hands to surf eBay and tattle tale on everyone. Same a-holes probably in their 40's and still live in their mom's basement and work as a pizza boy by day. Holier than thou mf's never could do wrong. They'll have their day in hell. :evil:
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Post by MoJo »

Ad removed.
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Post by Foxhunter »

"Ask-if-I-care"----I've been to & through Traverse City MI many times, as I've gone to the town of Frankfort on the shore of Lake Michigan there. Maybe even spoke via radio with 'ya----who knows.

My quick "three cents"----Yes there are many "self-annointed rule violation police" out there who are usually Hams that look for infractions on internet auction sites. Many sellers of medium-to-high-end equipment won't even sell to a buyer who can't produce a valid Amateur License. Amateur Radio, like the Military, is about order/standard operating practices/rules/procedure.

I can't fall into the trap and line-of-thinking however that some groups on both sides display, that of the sad "us and them" mentality. Many Amateur Radio operators ARE truly "stuffy" or "elitist" as mentioned, often so highly critical of improper operating procedure and violations of protocol. But the same can be described of those who view themselves as the "high-power elite" crowd here on the 11-M CB band, that ridicule and deride novice "muducks" for their inept operating & installation practices.

I myself really have seen and believe that both factions hold segments of their numbers who are excellent knowledgable operators and have more of the "live-and-let-live" philosophy. To practice the Amateur/Ham Radio term of "Elmering" is a very important and fundamental foundation stone of the radio world. Elmering is the practice of "mentoring"----or "someone who provides personal guidance and assistance to would-be operators". That spirit of teaching/sharing/helping hopefully will survive despite the bad attitudes often encountered both on-the-air & online. Just a thought.
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Post by 3strucking »

i have kept quite on the ham isue for a long time. i dont want to hurt anyones feelings who are hams, but cant you ham ops worry about your own crap and leave everyone else alone? i had a neighbor that was and still is a ham op and his son is also. i can remember him and his D.A. son saying the same thing 25 years ago. if you want to do the ham thing, do it and dont worry about what the guy on 11 meter is doing or selling or using. I have never heard so many grown people acting like a bunch of school kids telling on somebody. maybe if you ham cops spent more time taking care of you own affairs, you would not have time to worry about such nonsense as has been stated earlier. maybe i am wrong but how many ham ops own the freq. they talk on? I cant think of a single one, so if you happen to hear someone on what you think is your channell, look at it this way. YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR HIS AIR TIME. GROW A SET AND GROW UP.
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Post by Turbo-T »

And ham people say that the "C.B." in CB radio stands for "children's band". :lol:
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Post by Green Hornet »

My company "GREEN HORNET PILOT CARS" depends on the use of CB radio communications to promote public safety on the highways. It is absolutley essential that we have LOUD radios in the line of work that we do. For example, in our part of the country, we frequently pilot 26' wide oversize loads on two lane mountainous roads with switchbacks and blind curves. (You can view pictures of these loads on our website). In performing this duty, our lead pilot is sometimes required to be 5 miles or more in front of the load in order to be certain that oncoming traffic is stopped and diverted in order for the load to pass. A 4 watt cb does not do the job and so therefore, we use 150 watt FatBoy Amps in all our pilot cars. We only use these amps when conditions require that we use them for public safety. Now for my story regarding a local Hammer...

One day about 4 months ago, my wife was going into the local Post Office when she was publicly confronted by a very rude individual who said, "I know that you guys are running illegal radio equipment in your vehicles and I am reporting you to the FCC". My wife was taken aback by his brashness and offered no reply other than to say she would take the matter up with her husband and she did so. She told me about the confrontation and I immediately went to the Hammers house and informed him that he would be well served to stay out of our business. That was the last I heard from that boneheaded illiterate hall monitor.
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Post by Shaft »

Green Hornet wrote: Now for my story regarding a local Hammer...
Hi Green Hornet. I know you are new but to let you in on something, around here we call jerks like that Hamwinkies.
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Post by Green Hornet »

THANKS...I'll remember that !!! I suppose you realize I'm not quite up to speed with all the lingo.
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Post by elmer fudd »

Man, I thought all these "hamwinkies" were supposed to be "THE ELITE", (lmao ha ha ha), and here they are acting like first graders. HA HA HA HA!!!! What a ham!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Bill »

[i]"I'm a ham and like CBers more than I like hams, lol. Maybe most hams don't like CBers b/c they are stepping on their turf, heck I don't know, but if it weren't for CB, I would have probably never got involved with ham."[/i]

I agree with the above statement. We all started somewhere. I've always enjoyed the technical side of radio as well as teaching ham radio. Of course, there is no more test to become a ham, so I just try to stay with the state of the art
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steved wrote:Couple points...these are things I've seen in the few Hams I've been around (not directed at anyone).

Most Ham operators, for whatever reason, think everyone else needs to be a Ham...even those on the CB. Most Hams think the CB should be made illegal for the general public to use for whatever reason (wonder what they think about FRS radios??). I can show you a dozen guys local to me that all feel CB frequencies should be removed from the general public...

I think it is the "eliteness" they think they've got since they have a piece of paper saying they are a Ham...they don't want someone encroaching on that with a "free" radio . And as we've seen, it isn't rocket science getting a Ham ticket anymore...I was lead to believe in the 80s that you basically had to be a college graduate to have a Ham ticket, because it was so tough taking the test.

Most Hams I've been around generally act like they are better than 90% of the people out there for whatever reason...I personally find most Ham operators repulsive for that very thing...sorry, you are not as great as you think you are...this is my main hangup with Hams.

I'm torn about getting my Ham ticket...on one hand I'd like to take the test and have the certification; on the other hand I don't want to be associated with Hams and their "eliteness."

And again, this is NOT aimed at anyone in particular, just some general observations I've seen personally.

Actually before the early 80's it was much tougher to get your ham license.Then the multiple choice questions ABCD and then they came out with Question and Answer Books that were easily accessible and even actual questions from the test D. BASH Books that people were reading at the FCC testing sites . So yes it has gotten 10 times easier to get a ham ticket today then pre 1980 . [Please login or register to view this link]
No morse code test question answers now online with Question pool . Next they will be included in Cracker Jack Boxes :lol: :lol: :lol:
Its not a real radio unless it has tubes and USB/LSB on the front panel ....
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Post by Grump »

I'm NOT a hammy dont have my ticket yet want to. But you guys are doing the same thing you are jumping on the hamwinkies for. I believe in live and let live so long as you are not harming me. And on the radio no one can harm me cause I can turn the radio off. I'm not saying that there are alot of hammies out there there try and police the airwaves cause we all know they do, and in the end most tend to look like jack @#@es so I just ignore them and let them live there small meaningless life. All they are trying to do is get attention and you guys are letting them. They are trying to get back at as cause they were bullied in school now they are trying to pull the bullying on us
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Post by Andy »

My 2 cents worth...

There are good hams and bad hams, just like there are good CBers and bad CBers.

The legacy issue that bugs some of the old timers on the bands are that 11 meters, CB, used to be a ham band. It was great for working DX (something we all know). Then the FCC took it away when citizen's band was created. Some of these old timers have never forgotten or forgiven this heinous act by the FCC!

In the "good ham" category are those guys who will offer their technical knowledge to anyone who asks for help, whether another ham, a CBer, a SWL or a scanner listeners. The "bad hams" are the ones who look down their nose at the "chicken banders" and don't lift a finger to help anyone.

Many, many hams first entry into radio was as CBers. Usually they will not mention it to other hams because they will get branded as "less than a real ham" by those who should know better.

Stand up for what you believe in, help others and be a good operator.
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Post by nomad »

I also am a General class ham operator and straight enjoy tinkering and supporting experimentation with radio. CB or HAM whats the difference? We both like to mess around tinkering with our radio's right. Thats what it's all about- finding a way to make things work. Cheers -Nomad
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Post by shadow »

Elitism is everywhere and not just the Ham game. One definition of 'Elitism' goes like this:

"The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources."

The key words are "their perceived superiority", and it is the same everywhere in our society, not just Ham and CB. One example that comes to mind is in the motorcycle "scene" where it is generally agreed that a certain type of motorcycle brand attracts more elitists than the other brands. The people who buy this brand think that all other motorcycles are garbage, regardless of their technological superiority and other favorable factors.

My point is, A-holes are everywhere so f#$% them :P
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