Shakespeare 740

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Shakespeare 740


Post by Rex_foxhound »

I just acquired a Shakespeare 740 radio. If anybody has any info on it at all, feel free to share. I'm kinda new to tubes.
It looks to be in excellent condition. I plugged it in last night and made sure it turned on and such. Tried my 636L mic that I had laying around and it would deadkey about 4 watts but no swing so I may have to try another mic.
I've also got some other tube equipment I'll be posting about later.
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Post by Foxhunter »

That's the first posting that I'd read personally on here about a Shakespeare radio. About an hour or so ago I PM'd another forum member some reviews regarding their Shakespeare Antennas (they were pretty favorable). I have one of their 4 ft mobile antennas. but I understand that they've shifted away from CB and even more to the marine applications presently. They make alot of products for military applications too which is always a good sign of decent quality.

Naturally CBTricks had a few models but nothing that old. Another forum member, "homewrecker" has the same Shakespeare 740 radio---as he'd posted about looking for a power plug for it, he may have a manual for it or other information it's worth a PM if he's still active.

I'd really contact Shakespeare themselves. Two weeks ago, Uniden looked thru their archives and sent me (electronically) a complete manual, schematics and parts lists for a 40 year-old radio when I could find NOTHING online virtually for it. They had no obligation whatsoever to do it but went thru the trouble anyway, after a short complimentary e-mail and request I'd sent.

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Here is the mic wiring schedule:

Post if you find out anything I like old or odd-make radio. Shakespeare certainly appears to be a high-end brand.
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

I'll send them an email soon and see what they say. I'll get some pics posted in the next few days in case somebody wants to see it.
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Post by Foxhunter »

Rex_foxhound wrote:Thanks!
I'll send them an email soon and see what they say. I'll get some pics posted in the next few days in case somebody wants to see it.
OK 10/4 I'd definitely like to see it. Make sure you go over the mic wiring description in the event the mic you're using is wired differently that would explain (perhaps) the TX problem you were mentioning
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