My Mom died this morning

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My Mom died this morning


Post by Foxhunter »

Hi all I wanted to make a brief post in my Mom's honor. My Mom died this morning July 11, 2008 at 9:40AM with me here at her home literally in my arms. She died in a terrible way with terminal illness and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Cancer had ravaged her for the last year almost yet we'd only known the last 5 months. She'd been misdiagnosed and been treated by a careless doctor with whom she'd had total trust in for years as he'd told her she only had some nerve irritation, all the while she was developing cancer while it was treatable.

I've had the time here and there to post the last few months, as I'd come here to stay and take care of my Mother. She was living alone for quite some time. My Sister and I both put our lives on hold to provide our own homecare and even hospice care----totally doing it ourselves----for months, until near the very end when we called upon outside help, as to not let her suffer without outside care. Barbara Mary (Whitman) Groves aged 67 is my Mom and will be missed dearly. She died a pretty horrible death but I was glad to help her throughout it all in anyway I could. Will always miss her.

Lee aka Foxhunter
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Post by linx »

On behalf of me, my family, and all the mods/admin at the CBRT family, my deepest thoughts and prayers are with you during your troubled time. Lots of us have to deal with loss, and it's an unfortunate thing, but all of us deal with it in our own way. If there's anything any of us can do for you, please let us know.


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Post by BushHog »

sorry to hear that lee, our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family in this time
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Post by PRO151 »

You have my heartfelt condolences my CB friend. I can say with all honesty that I feel your pain. I lost my mother to cancer and then 4 hours later my father died in his sleep. It will get better with time, but not quickly. I wish you and your sister well. Just keep reminding yourself she is at peace and in a better place now.
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Post by NCMidnight »

I'm sorry to hear of your great loss. My family and I will remember you in our thoughts and payers.
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Post by Popcorn501 »

Sorry for your loss man you and your family will be in our prayers
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Post by rayray1963 »

You and your sister hold a special place in God's heart as well as your mothers. Not many could go through what ya have had to indure, but it will make you a stronger person. My prayers are with you and your entire family. Blessed are the givers.

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Post by Trouble »


I too am very sorry to hear of your loss. We shall keep in touch as we have before, you know where to reach me.
My most sincere condolences for you and your family from Raina and I.

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Post by Alabama_Cajun »

Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.
-Psalms 31:5

Lee, I pray that you are comforted in the knowledge that your mom doesn't have to suffer any longer.

It's really hard for me to sit here and type these words of encouragement for you without thinking of my dad that died 3 years ago as of this coming Sunday. The saying of "time heals"... well, I have to say that isn't quite true. Time gets in the way so you don't reflect as often. But Remember; Everything for a reason.

-Romans 8:28:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

May God watch over you and comfort you and your family.

Shawn - Alabama Cajun
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Post by fireball894 »

Man, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Cancer has taken the life of a few of my family and I know how horrible it is, and my prayers go out to your family. I know it doesnt mean much to you now in this time, but it is really great that your Mom has some good kids to stick with her and be there and look after her during this time. My wife works in a nursing home and you wouldnt believe how many people are so caught up in themselves that a parent ends up dying alone or doesnt have hardly anyone to visit them. She obviously has raised you and your sister up the right way!!
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Post by 350v8s10 »

You have my most heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your mother. Having children such as you and your sister had to be very comforting to her in her final months, days, and hours.

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Post by this_is_nascar »

Sorry to here this. You and your family are in our prayers. Your mother would be proud of you to stand by her like you did. That's very commendable and although it's a terrible thing that happened, you can have some peace knowing that you were with her as she passed. God Bless you and your family and your Mom.
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G-Golly Wally


Post by G-Golly Wally »

Sorry for your loss. I lost my MOM last year to cancer, Over time it gets better but I think there will all ways be a void there. We can only be grateful for the time we are aloud to have with our loved ones, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Post by fortymobile »

thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

I'm sorry to hear about your loss Lee. If there's anything we can do to help ya out, just let us know. Your family is in my prayers.
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Post by beebuzzbee »

Please accept my condolence, I'm sorry to hear about your lost.
Takes a good man to care for their old, I'm very proud of you.

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Post by KILLROY »

Lee, I would like to give you and your sister my deepest Condolences on the loss of your Mom. I know what you went threw My sister and I took care of my Dad. in much the same way. I know it does not help right now But she is in a better place, and the pain is gone.
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Post by Slim Jim »

My deepest sympathy goes out to you and yours. My humblest of prayers for you and your family.
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Post by tramster »

i'm so very sorry for your loss. i will say a special prayer of you and your family. boy i tell ya so to often it happens with the family doc. so many times our older family members have been going to the same doc's for years and put there total trust in them not realizing into days world medicine has gotten so specialize and those guys like auto mechanics have to retrained from time to time something that the old time general practitioner does not always stay abreast on. i had an Uncle that thought the sun rise and set on his doc and he was missed diagnosed for cancer to. this guy was treating him for a back cold when he had developed lung cancer by the time it got to the point when the doc figured he needed more test because it was not getting better it was too late the cancer had spread to far. medicine is a specialized art nowadays and we can't take for granted that all doctors were also A students in there class. please folks with older or even young folk that maybe sick please always get that second or third opinion. FoxHunter may GOD be with you & your Family.
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Post by y2rescue109 »

My deepest sympathy goes out to your family, if you need anything let us know
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Post by Red Warrior »

"My Mom died this morning"

Such simple words. So vast the change in our lives. Brothers and Sisters, in blood and in spirit, stand with you. Be sustained that so many care and all take heart and lesson.

Peace be with you and yours.
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Post by Hard Drive »

Our prayers are with you and your family.
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Post by Gravedigger »

Sorry to hear about your mom, lee. May the peace of our lord help in this time of need. Brought back memories as my mom passed away 3 years ago from cancer. My condolences and prayer be with you.

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Post by 31 »

Something some of what is lost as I see the next generations becoming of age, is the lost of respect for the family and respect for society. It takes a man to accept responsibility and humbleness to take care of th elder family members, when its real easy to just put them in a hospice or elderly care home. I salute you and I send all my Aloha and prayers to you and your Ohana(family) . My condolences. John(31)
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Post by Doughboy »

I am so very sorry for your loss. Our prays and condolences go out to you and your family. Sounds like she was a very special lady in your life. Keep you head she would be proud........From my family to your family.

Doughboy in the Carolina's
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