fair purchase price for this tube equipment

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fair purchase price for this tube equipment


Post by Foxhunter »

Hey I'm posting in the "Tube Equipment" section asking for some pricing advice for some older "vintage" radio equipment I am considering buying from a person I've been talking with recently.

I know already from both current experience and what I've read, that buying older Ham Radio (or any older radio really) equipment is risky, parts are scarce & expensive and "repair shops" can't be found at a nearby truck-stop. Aside from shipping costs which are high due to their weight and the fact that their are not that many repair centers compared to say CB shops-------Antique and tube repair rates are NOT cheap.

I know that the power supplies or transformers as well as the capacitors are usually bad, or will turn so before long. Tubes too are/can be expensive and getting harder to find. Vintage tube radios & amps are not a "poor man's hobby" so I try and keep that in mind. So should others considering I think. Am i wrong?

I already have a few tube pieces: A Palomar 310M Bi-Linear amplifier, A Kris Boomer 300 amplifier, a Hammarlund HQ100 receiver and two Heathkits (SB301 receiver & SB401 transmitter) plus an antique circa 1932 broadcast/shortwave/police frequencies standing console-----all in very good condition.

Anyway here is what he e-mailed me------and no this is not through Ebay I am not bidding. I have not yet been told the asking price but wanted to have a better idea before discussions. Yes I can (and will try still) to look all this up somehow-----but wanted to ask some of you who are actually familiar with older Amateur equipment to venture an opinion if you would. Here's the list/letter...

"All the vintage tube gear I recently purchased from the estate of a deceased Ham. His "shack" was in an upstairs bedroom so no damage from being stored in a damp basement or garage. He had an Amateur Extra Class license and an engineering degree from Columbia was hanging on the bedroom wall so he obviously knew what he was doing.

Heathkit SB-401 80 thru 10 meter transmitter
Heathkit SB-301 80 thru 10 meter receiver
Heathkit SB-200 - 1000 watt 80 thru 10 M linear amplifier
Heathkit HW-30 "Lunchbox" 2 meter transceiver
Lafayette HE-45B 6 Meter transceiver (looks just like one of their vintage tube CBs)
Heathkit HO-10 scopeHeathkit HO-13 rare Ham Scan scope
Heathkit SB-630 phone patch
Homebrew antenna matching/switching unit
Hallicrafters SX-100 general coverage SW receiver

The SB-200 alone brings $500.00 or more on ebay. I can sell these for more there, however I have back issues and therefore cannot pack and ship. I can make a good deal on all- not going to give them away but will be quite fair.

I'd appreciate if anyone who has a better idea than I what a "package deal" price would be approximately without seeing them yourselves I know that's hard to say. I'd imagine cosmetically they appear in reasonable condition. Whether they are working/functioning units----that is another story altogether. I would ask if they power on and if some of them receive, but whether they actually work and if some actually transmit or amplify that is another case entirely. Without proper antennas and being set up it's near impossible. They would be bought "as they are" with the outward appearance only and a look under the case to see if they look intact with tubes & wiring or the appearance of damage or burned spots. Anybody? I'd appreciate it. Thanks-----Foxhunter
Last edited by Foxhunter on August 4th, 2008, 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Foxhunter »

Sorry to re-post----for some strange reason I haven't been able/allowed to "edit" in this topic section, now or previously.

On the sixth line of the equipment listing in the above post I accidentally combined two separate items. They should be as follows:

Heathkit SB-401 80 thru 10 meter transmitter
Heathkit SB-301 80 thru 10 meter receiver
Heathkit SB-200 - 1000 watt 80 thru 10 M linear amplifier
Heathkit HW-30 "Lunchbox" 2 meter transceiver
Lafayette HE-45B 6 Meter transceiver (looks just like one of their vintage tube CBs)
Heathkit HO-10 scope
Heathkit HO-13 rare Ham Scan scope
Heathkit SB-630 phone patch
Homebrew antenna matching/switching unit
Hallicrafters SX-100 general coverage SW receiver
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King Mudduck


Post by King Mudduck »

With what you have listed i would say that more than likely you will be fine on buying this equipment with out worry. The reason being that this was kept in a dry place, looks like it was being used until the point where this man became to sick to do so anymore, He was a ham and most ham take better care of there equipment and it would be a nice return should you choose to sell it. I would say that at the very least you would be looking at a total value for all of this at around $1500 in decent condition. If this stuff is really really nice then it could be well over that.

Heathkit SB-401 80 thru 10 meter transmitter
Heathkit SB-301 80 thru 10 meter receiver
Heathkit SB-200 - 1000 watt 80 thru 10 M linear amplifier
Heathkit HW-30 "Lunchbox" 2 meter transceiver
Lafayette HE-45B 6 Meter transceiver (looks just like one of their vintage tube CBs)
Heathkit HO-10 scopeHeathkit HO-13 rare Ham Scan scope
Heathkit SB-630 phone patch
Homebrew antenna matching/switching unit
Hallicrafters SX-100 general coverage SW receiver

Id get it all just to sit and look at it on a radio desk! Let us know how it goes.
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Post by Foxhunter »

Thank you King Mudduck----that is a start. Do any other of you Forum members out there agree or have anything to add?? I'd appreciate any additional input. I like the looks & styling of older equipment and enjoy the vintage pieces I already own----but don't have a proper "shack" yet and will be setting up a decent-sized "radio room" devoted entirely to my radio equipment and it will be nice when I'm done, for sure.

My big fear is that I see ALOT of people selling are using "the same line" so-to-speak about "the old Ham" or "silent key" who died and had all this equipment left over. Kind of like buying a used-car----" a little old lady used to drive it" sort of thing. On the other hand I think that it is entirely possible and that there are older guys who may pass-on who have had lifetime collections going and now they are going onto the market. Others may additionally use that situation/scenario to unload faulty equipment to the unsuspecting. I may worry too much but at the same time I've "nearly seen it all".

I appreciate the input I'll keep that figure in-mind as well as hoping I might get a couple of other's too add in. As always I appreciate the replies and responses. Thanks----Foxhunter
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Post by beebuzzbee »

With out seeing the equipment it's hard to give a good estimate, specially there is the "collector value" factor add to the mix. However, the man does know what the stuff will fetch on eBay, so I don't think he will sell them for dirt. Your best bet is do the avg value research on eBay then subtract 30%. start your offer from there.
$.70 on a dollar is not a home run but at that rate, you can always turn around and dump them for what you paid ....... I guess how bad do you need them would be my question.
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Post by Foxhunter »

Well he e-mailed me and is looking to get "around $1000" so I'm hoping to get him down to $800. I never re-sell what I buy and try to make good choices when doing so. They are mainly for collecting purposes as a friend just sent me this letter:

"The HEATHKIT SB radios are nice radios but OLD, with little repair/technical support. As for those 'scopes you will at best find little use for them, AGAIN NICE STUFF NO REAL USE.


" Heathkit HW-30 "Lunchbox" 2 meter transceiver "
That was the radio I wrote to you about when talking about the good old days .... USELESS on 2 meters today TOTALLY USELESS !

*Lafayette HE-45B 6 Meter transceiver (looks just like one of their vintage tube CBs)
I have one and again 99.99% USELESS on 6 meters The CB one was known as a HE-20C I have one of them too. BOTH shared many of the same parts.

The HE-20C is no longer legal for CB but the HE-45B IS legal on 6 meters.

Now the problem is the HE45B if you can find someone on 6 meter AM ( 50.400 MHz ) it's a NICE RADIO-----finding someone to talk to is the problem"

So, it then looks like they will be more-or-less for collectability or radio-room "decoration" for the upcoming "shack". I do like older stuff I can't help it though. I know "something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it" as the old adage goes. But an accurate estimated package-deal amount is hard to choose. Cosmetically they appear in good condition with minor scratches or wear. They power-on but are untested. He agree that most old radios do need capacitors and that it is a likely potential. I guess I'll see......
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Post by beebuzzbee »

Yup, try to make good choice reguardless, always have a back up plan when buying the older (or any) equipments.
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King Mudduck


Post by King Mudduck »

Some times the " silent key story " is true. I was told of a life long ham who at the age of 78 passed away by a guy that knows i collect radios. He gave me number to the mans wife so i gave her a call and was told by her that she did not know what the stuff was only that there was a lot of it. So i went over to take a look and damn near passed out when she opened the door to his radio room. There were Collins, Drakes, Hummarlunds, Heathkits and a few older Kenwood and Yaesu radios and amps and meters and test equipment stacked from the floor to the ceiling. All of this he had gotten over the years either new or second hand and she said he never sold anything! Everything and i mean everything looked like new and she told me that before he was to sick he would change a piece out from time to time just to keep everything working. Well after a few hours of looking at the collection i asked how much she was looking to get for it all. Now some will say i'm full of it but she wanted only $1000.00 for everything!

Now i knew that she had well over 10 grand worth of stuff there and i told her as such. I also told her that even though it was tempting that i would not take advantage of her ignorance so i put her in contact with a collector who bought everything she had for a very fair price. I could have made a lot of cash on that deal but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. Sometimes you have to check out these kind of thing when you hear about em, you just may stumble onto a gold mine!
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Post by beebuzzbee »

Heh ....well I got one for you.
When I was 21, a senior in college, I remember it was just a few weeks before we break for Charisma's I met this hot playmate look alike at a party, as the night went on we had a quiet few drinks in us. she told me she was too drunk to drive home, asked if would take her back to her place. Being a scholar that I am, I said sure, why not. Anyway, on our way there, she leans over and whispered in my ear is a hot steaming voice " I hope you have lots of condoms", in shock, I turn to her and said, no but I know some one back at the party that does and I like to introduce you to him. So I turned the car around at the next light and took her back to the party. Now, I know some of you will say i'm full of it and you are right, but if you can believe a story like the one above why shouldn't you believe this one :D
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Post by Foxhunter »

Here's a "silent-key" story that's true that I posted on a prior thread:

An 83 year-old man, a life-long Ham Operator had owned these two Kenwoods that I just bought. He was using them up until he recently died. It's funny, his son knows or has no interest in radios and is a IT & computer programmer as well as a musician and recording engineer. A very straightforward and religious man. He only would sell the two radio's he knew his father was using daily and that was told worked well. I am somewhat skeptical with things but have trusted him, not just his story.

Listen to this----it made me sick: Out of the "20 or 30" radio's that his Father had, he only took back to sell these two that I bought. He boxed up and put out for trash collection, an old man's lifelong collection of Ham Radio's simply because "he didn't want to try and deal with it".

He told me that "I couldn't, in good-conscience, sell anyone these radios because I have no way of knowing if they are in working condition". He went on to say "besides they were larger older models". He went on to say that it's over a 2-hr drive each way to his dad's old house and he couldn't put himself through it and that he had a clean-out crew remove the majority of the contents of the house including all the additional radio room related items he'd disconnected the radio's from. I gave him a guilt-trip talk on what he'd done, and I meant it.

Can't help but think what a man that age might've had there----Heathkit? Hallicrafters? Drake? Browning? Who knows. All put out for trash. His Father would roll-over in his grave if he knew what he'd done.
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