Are any of you familiar with the Kenworth T2000 trucks? I have a question. I just got off the phone with a CB Radio Shop in Ontario CA and they said right away that the original place where Kenworth designed for the antenna's to be places are not good. Something about bad grounding plane or something. So he suggested that I mount a 5' antenna on the back of the truck to the grab bar. Does this sound like it would be best? Here are a few photo's of what I have.
Radio Hookup area for the CB.
Photo of where the antenna's mount on a T2000 Kenwoth.
Closer Photo of where you mount the antenna.
Photo of antenna on passenger side of Truck.
Here is a photo of where the guy at the CB shop told me to mount the Antenna. It is on the grab bar on the back fairing of the sleeper.
If you think this would be a good place to mount an antenna what antenna should I get and what type of mount would work on this grab bar? Also how long of coax needed. I heard somewhere that you have to have 18ft. Not sure if that is long enough or not. Any suggestions?
Need help with install on a Kenworth T2000. (pics inside)
Is the grab bar attached to fiberglass ? Are the currant mounts on fiberglass ?
On a big truck its hard to get a great ground plane because of hight problems, design problems, etc. most truck antennas are on the mirrors which aint a great place either.
If the currant mounts are on fiberglass, how did they ground the base ?
On a big truck its hard to get a great ground plane because of hight problems, design problems, etc. most truck antennas are on the mirrors which aint a great place either.
If the currant mounts are on fiberglass, how did they ground the base ?