looking at base amps and antennas, questions.

A place to ask questions about base setup for CB radios or HAM radios. Talk about your experiences, seek advice, and share knowledge.
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Joined: February 9th, 2007, 8:13 pm
Handle: Preacherman
Real Name: Bob
Call Sign: K0EIR
Radio: Cobra 29, Lincoln, Magnum


Post by preacherman »

Can't tell you on that particular model...but usually four pills
like a bit more dead key. If it has low/med/hi on it, I'd start
with about 3 watts.

Regarding AB being cleaner...it is inherently so, but if you feed
it an overmodulated signal...it won't "clean it up" for you. Also,
solid state "splatters" more primarily because when it is overdriven
or fed distortion, it creates odd order harmonics which sound
nasty. Tube amps overload more gracefully than solid state,
but they too can be overdriven and tear up other channels as well.

Bottom line, don't overmod the radio and run a good low pass filter
between the radio and the amp and you should be OK. Make a
nice "ugly balun" with wraps of coax at the base of the antenna and
that will help some as well.
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Post by minitrucker »

whats a ugly ballun ?
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