Intresting piece of history

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rev ike
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Intresting piece of history


Post by rev ike »

Greetings, I have picked up an older watt meter Heathkit HM 102 its a little faded looking but its original and in pretty good condition and seems to be accurate. It reads up to 2,000 watts so I cant exactly get my barefoot radio to test the higher end of it. :roll:
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Post by Foxhunter »

rev ike wrote:Greetings, I have picked up an older watt meter Heathkit HM 102 its a little faded looking but its original and in pretty good condition and seems to be accurate. It reads up to 2,000 watts so I cant exactly get my barefoot radio to test the higher end of it. :roll:
"May the life I live speak for me". I like it, and how true.

All Heathkit products are definitely an important part of the Amateur & hobby radio history scene-----for sure. I've got a number of Heathkit items but not the Heathkit HM 102. I personally like the styling of Heath items. I just saw one for sale on Craiglslist several weeks ago surprisingly cheap, but it was way too far to travel just to purchase the one item------couldn't justify it with the price of gas now. I'll have a Heathkit meter at some point.

Check out the favorable Eham reviews on the meter at this link: [Please login or register to view this link]

Saw this go unanswered and wanted to comment on your post there Mr. Rev. Ike
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Post by ringer »

Hello my friend and neighbor! You know that HEATHKIT was built right down the road from us in St. Joe Michigan, right? I think I told you I "have a guy" who knows some of the people who worked there if you ever want someone to check some of that stuff. Good score. Where did you find it? Catch you on the airwaves. Next time you hear me, I'll be on that screaming eagle! :)
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