just got a 2950 for 150 used

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just got a 2950 for 150 used


Post by Ricky »

i like this radio alot. awesome features. one question about the side band. when i was talkin on 38lsb i was talking for about 10 min then it started to loos power after a while. is this normal?
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216 The Chally in the buckeye
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Slim Jim
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Post by Slim Jim »

Ricky wrote:i like this radio alot. awesome features. one question about the side band. when i was talkin on 38lsb i was talking for about 10 min then it started to loos power after a while. is this normal?
No, it shouldn't lose power like that. Does it lose power according to the meter or is somebody reporting a loss of signal? Is it the black 2950 or the gray 2950-dx?
Remember gentlemen, Keep the sun out of your eyes and be yourselves.
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Post by Ricky »

according to the metter it does. its the black one
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216 The Chally in the buckeye
73 from KD8MGF
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Slim Jim
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Post by Slim Jim »

Ricky wrote:according to the metter it does. its the black one
10-4. I'm sorry to hear that man. Quite a few of the older black ones seemed to have some weird problems like that. I bought one a while back for a bargain price and it seemed to work fine for about a week or two. Then all of a sudden it started to lose receive on AM only...I traded it away with some other stuff to the guy I bought it from. He seemed confident that he could find someone to fix it. Long story short, it's still at his tech's house... are you running the radio with a power supply or is it in your mobile?
Remember gentlemen, Keep the sun out of your eyes and be yourselves.
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Posts: 404
Joined: October 15th, 2007, 6:13 pm
Real Name: Ricky F
Antenna: coily, a99
Radio: Magnum s9 Galaxy Bas


Post by Ricky »

10 amp power supply
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216 The Chally in the buckeye
73 from KD8MGF
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