12 Tube D&A Phantom what do you think of them

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Re: 12 Tube D&A Phantom what do you think of them


Post by 'Doc »

red dog 109,
Kind'a late, sorry 'bout that. And you definitely will not like what I have to say about any multi-tube or transistor amplifier!
The only good reasons I know of for a multi-tube amplifier are that you happen to have a bunch of the required tubes, or, those tubes are very cheap. The second reason just isn't exactly very good any more, tubes are harder to find new. Used tubes are typically not the best bargains in the world. If they were, they just wouldn't be offered for sale, they'd keep them.
Single tube amplifiers are cheaper in the long run. They are much simpler to design and build. If you pick the 'right' tube, it ought'a be around for quite a while still. That does not mean that the initial cost isn't going to 'hurt', only that it'll be cheaper over a longer period of time. Using a fairly 'commonly found' tube is a good idea. So is getting several of them just for insurance (that 6LQ6 is a very good example of that!).
The same thing is applicable with transistors too. Finding 2SC2879's isn't exactly cheap and easy. Using several hundred 2N2222's for the same output is also sort of ridiculous, although they are cheap!
It's the difference between efficiency and 'nostalgia', sort of. Having an old 'Stanley Steamer' is certainly nice! But not as an everyday driver... you know?
- 'Doc
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