Varmint XL 1000

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468 NE Ga
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Varmint XL 1000


Post by 468 NE Ga »

I have a Varmint xl 1000 that is giving me fit's.It will only do about 500 watts pep,and from what I have read it should do 1000 RMS.I have replaced all the tubes,and all the capacitors.I was thinking that it could be one of the transformers,but I don't know how to test them.Let me know what y'all think.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Night Crawler
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Post by Night Crawler »

468 NE Ga wrote:I was thinking that it could be one of the transformers,but I don't know how to test them.
Pull the tubes out put the RED probe of a VOM to the Plate Caps the Black probe to ground

Put the volt meter on the highest VDC scale it will read I don't know what kind of tubes it's using but if it's a cb amp most likley it's using sweep tubes so a scale of 1000 volts or better should be ok.

The meter should read close to a 1000 volts maybe a little more or less without any load on the supply. If you don't get a voltage reading that means the amplifier will have to be keyed to read a voltage on the plate caps. That can be done done by using something non-metalic to push down on the relay in the amp.

You could also measure the AC voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer but not knowing what type of rectifier it uses Full Wave, Full Wave Bridge or Full Wave Doubler I wouldn't be able to tell you what the RMS voltage should be.
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