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Posts: 952
Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
Antenna: Imax 2000. Hex Beam, G5RV dipole, Jpole(UHF/VHF) Austin Suburban Tri Band (UHF/VHF)
Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146



Post by De_Wildfire »

What's wrong with my TRAM D201? When I turn on the radio, the meter pegs over to the left. My receive seems to be ok once it warms up and I can hear all the stations that I can hear on my other two solid state cb's. Is it a good call to say I need to order all new tubes or is the money better spent towards an overhaul since it is old? I think Barket's wants under $150 to ship them all to me. The transmit sounds ok but it does drift a lot until it warms up all day. My TRAM D201 is clean inside and out and would consider it mint.
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Re: TRAM D201


Post by silverstreak »

If it never has been done replace all the caps and the Resistors that test out of spec or look burnt from heat.Doing that and a full Tube replacement will make your radio like a new one and will last another 20-30 years.
All radios tuned by the best me.
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Posts: 952
Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
Antenna: Imax 2000. Hex Beam, G5RV dipole, Jpole(UHF/VHF) Austin Suburban Tri Band (UHF/VHF)
Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

Re: TRAM D201


Post by De_Wildfire »

Thanks for the info. Everything is original.
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