Adding SSB?

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Adding SSB?


Post by yMidnite »

I have searched on here and can not find an answer...
I have been looking for a base radio and would prefer one to be plugged in to house current instead of a battery or external power supply. With that, looking at used base radios, most with SSB are more than I want to pay for used with shipping (nature of the beast), but ones without SSB are much less expensive, so here is the question - is it possible to modify a radio to operate on SSB that did not come with it? Is it cost effective if possible? I am thinking it would not be cost effective and I should get a mobile with an external power supply or wait till I can spend more money.

Midnight Rider / 989 N FL
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Re: Adding SSB?


Post by 'Doc »

Is it possible? Yes, but not practical at all. It would cost more than a very nice radio with SSB already installed. HeathKit used to make an 'add-on' for their early AM transmitters to do SSB. It usually cost about as much as a new transmitter, and wasn't on the market for very long. Not because it didn't work, but it was just cheaper to build a AM/SSB transmitter than the converter.
If you look really long and hard, you might find one for sale. Sit down before looking at the price, and then you are in for a learning experience to use it! You are better off just spending the money for a radio that fit's your needs.
- 'Doc
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Re: Adding SSB?


Post by yMidnite »

Thanks Doc. That's what I thought. I'll keep looking and one day I'll either find the right used one or I will wait and buy new.
Midnight Rider / 989 N FL
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Re: Adding SSB?


Post by MaxAudio »

If you want a base CB just cruise craigslist or ebay - always deals on there.

Got a Washington base with SSB for 40 bucks other day

WOuld be wayyy more expensive to try to add ssb to base radio.
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Re: Adding SSB?


Post by yMidnite »

I have been watching both.
Midnight Rider / 989 N FL
"We preserve our freedoms using four boxes: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge." -- Anonymous

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Re: Adding SSB?


Post by dime196604 »

wow 40 buck for a Washington with SSB bet you any thing you would'int sell it for that little
It ain't broke till you smell the smoke
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