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Post by mudder »

OK I have 2 low pass filters for my radios.one i just bought yesterday its a bencher YA-1 filter i bought off a friend cost new about 90 bucks.he other one is cheaper a workman low pass filter not sure what i paid for it maybe 25 bucks.on my meter with the bencher filter and my amp on i do 150 with a dead key on am and 175 sideband....with the cheaper workman filter the amp will do 200 am dead key and 225 watts sideband...my question is why is the low pass filter that is more money cutting down my wattage so much I dont get it? :Peace!:
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Post by Gixxer »

That's weak :-x Ive never checked mine for that
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Post by 231 »

Assuming they are both rated at 1kw or better, I can't guess other than to say the more expensive one might be choking the signal. What are you SWR's with them? I'm also assuming it's the last thing on the way to the antenna inline?

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Post by mudder »

yes it is the last thing out to the antenna.they are both rated for 2K....my swrs are not real good but not real bad 1.5...doesnt matter now i gave the filter back and got my money back.funny thing is the guy who sold it to me sold it for the same reason. :Peace!:
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Post by BigBubbaBD »

wonder if they all do that. .
I read one on some site that said there was just a small amount of power loss dew to the filter. So i would thing just a few watts nothing like that.

Did it help the TVi any?
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Post by mudder »

yes it did help the tvi but a loss of wattage that much is to much.I put my cheaper tvi filter back on that ran me about $30.00 and there is really no wattage loss and it cuts out the tvi so ill stick with this one.very odd. :Peace!: :twisted:
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Post by DX_949 »

Meters do not know hwether they are measuring spurious emmisions or actual signal. So regardless of what your watt meter is showing (guessing a Dosy) you are not losing actual wattage, regardless of which low pass you run, just one is doing a better job of filtering your signal.

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Post by tecnicoloco »

If I where you,I will get the bencher back,like the post above,your meter is reading or collecting spurious emision,or out of band power wasted in form of harmonics or interference.
With the Bencher or any high quality filter you will get more close or real output wattage using a cheap meter.
Dosy's,Paradynamics,and many more are not very well shielded and are very sensitive to harmonics made to beleive that you are putting more tx power.
Also,the high price filter has less insertion loss or attenuation than the cheap one,means less power is lost passing inside the filter.

My 2 Pesos
73's :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Mr. Fixit


Post by Mr. Fixit »

Get the Bencher one back................If not the best, one of the best!!!!
Been there done that..............Advice:

Make your Coax No More Than 4Ft long total..........between the Amp & Low Pass Filter. The Watt meters do produce Harmonics & interference. What I did was made the Coax coming out of my AMP going to my Watt meter 18" & coming out of my Watt meter & going to my Bencher also 18"............No more Bleeding on my neighbors. I am using RG-213/U Coax.
Also: Ground, Ground,Ground,Ground everything real real good. Ground all your meters, Radio, Amp & also make sure your outlets that all your Radio Equipment is plugged into are Grounded. :D
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Post by Hellcat_392 »

mudder wrote:OK I have 2 low pass filters for my radios.one i just bought yesterday its a bencher YA-1 filter i bought off a friend cost new about 90 bucks.he other one is cheaper a workman low pass filter not sure what i paid for it maybe 25 bucks.on my meter with the bencher filter and my amp on i do 150 with a dead key on am and 175 sideband....with the cheaper workman filter the amp will do 200 am dead key and 225 watts sideband...my question is why is the low pass filter that is more money cutting down my wattage so much I dont get it? :Peace!:
You need to understand what a low-pass filter filter IS, and what it ISN'T. It ISN'T a filter at all..it IS an attenuator. It simply attenuates, cuts down, anything above a given frequency, say 30Mhz. Your CB is transmitting not just 27Mhz, but all over the place as well..harmonics. When you see the reading on your meter drop with the "filter" inline, you're seeing the HARMONICS being attenuated. Your meter is measuring harmonics as well as the 27Mhz signal. The more expensive one is doing the better job of attenuating..the workman might as well be a tissue box.
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