I just found a treasure
I just found a treasure
Today I picked up a Hallicrafter sx-110. I wonder if anyone has any experience with one of these. Or knows where I could find a downloadable manual.
Thanks BobO. I did that, and found alot of stuff. I even found a couple of links to manual. But for some reason I could not download them. I decided to buy a copy off ebay.
I tried the radio out last night, and it was pretty cool. I don't really know what all the knobs do yet, but I was able to fumble around and hear some stations. I can't wait to learn what it can really do.
I tried the radio out last night, and it was pretty cool. I don't really know what all the knobs do yet, but I was able to fumble around and hear some stations. I can't wait to learn what it can really do.