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Great day at Houston Hamfest 2019!

Posted: March 23rd, 2019, 3:06 pm
by Bobcat
As far as the hamfest events there wasn't a whole lot going on. They only had a few talk sessions and none of them really were our (my son went with me!) cup of tea!
But to us, it was more like a flea market for radio related stuff!!!!

I got enough equipment to set up a pretty good beginner's bench:
Hameg HM5006 - 500 MHz Spectrum Analyzer with tracking generator ($120, it works)
Sinadder (1st edition not 3) SINAD meter ($10, have to test it but, for that price, I have the manual - I can fix it!)
RCA-Viz WR-50C RF Generator w/Modulation and I/F sweeping ($30)
Eico Capacitor substitution box ($3)
(just for giggles) an Astatic Road Devil RD104E (which the seller said was NOT a power mic, only noise cancelling. For $3 I'd take a chance.)
A couple of power cords.....

Tim got a dual band 2m/70cm JPole antenna to put up at his new digs....

Not a bad day at all.

Re: Great day at Houston Hamfest 2019!

Posted: March 24th, 2019, 6:04 am
by MDYoungblood
Sounds like you got some good stuff, I'll be after antenna items the next couple around me.



Re: Great day at Houston Hamfest 2019!

Posted: March 24th, 2019, 9:10 am
by Lost Ram
We will all have to get together on 20/40/ or 80 Meter and see if we can make contact. I know Greg needs to repair his antenna but he could hear me From Shreveport LA. I am on 3.910 and 3.922 areas in the evenings.
Sounds like you have some nice finds at the Meet, congrates!!!!

Re: Great day at Houston Hamfest 2019!

Posted: March 25th, 2019, 8:57 pm
by Bobcat
Well, I do have a little work to do. The spectrum analyzer works well enough to tell me that the RF Generator has a TON of harmonics above the setting and they are MIGHTY high!! May be some distortion in it.... I haven't looked at it on a scope yet (scope is buried deeper than my will to dig it out!!!!!! ). At least I have all the manuals......