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WOW! Hello again...it's been awhile. 8 years!

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WOW! Hello again...it's been awhile. 8 years!


Post by SemiBoysMom »

I can't believe it's been so long since my last visit! I don't recognize anyone, ATM. Is Century21 still around? I know I have a few of you on my FB, but I can't recall who else, by username. A lot has happened since I joined 10 years ago - I'm divorced, engaged, and more importantly, SemiBoy - the reason that led me to CBRT - is turning 19!! He still has a huge love of CBs, which was greatly instilled by so many here. Sooo...how is everyone? ☺️
Liars, hecklers, and whiners are all cut from the same cloth...and whaddya know, it has two faces.
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Re: WOW! Hello again...it's been awhile. 8 years!


Post by MDYoungblood »

Why hello and welcome back Donna, long time no see, hope everything is well. A lot of the old timers aren't around anymore but there is a bunch of not so old timers here. Don't be a stranger and come up on the chat room to talk, I'm usually there. Tell SemiBoy we said "Hi".


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