New Hex Beam

This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
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Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

New Hex Beam


Post by De_Wildfire »

Has anyone installed a hex beam? I have one in the box with the Yaesu G450A rotor. What size pipe did you use? I am looking at two inch pipe at about 28 feet but it's going to be a bear to put up and using a clamp below the roof overhang. Can I get away with an inch and a quarter? Maybe one of those 10 foot sections of fence rails that screw into each other? Also did you install the rotor at the top or bottom? The bottom, I would assume would be easier to work on if the rotor get stuck.
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Re: New Hex Beam


Post by MDYoungblood »

I had thought of getting one but am leery because of the ice storms we get.
My antennas now are on aluminum electrical conduit, about the 1/3 the weight of the same size steel pipe and just as strong. I use 1 1/2", which is almost 2" OD by 10ft long. I order it off eBay and shipping is free (make sure you buy from the right one ) if you buy 2 or more sections, it comes from a local supply house.


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