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SSB Amplifier
Posted: Jan 12 2021, 18:18
by DirtRider
I am looking for a clean 5-600 Watts of power. I am a SSB user only. What are good options for a reliable clean SSB amp? Unfortunately the Chinese 811A and 572B's have pushed me away from buying an Ameritron/heathkit. I have my eyes set on the DX1600 sold by ( 7eighteenelectronics) on
eBay. Are these clean on SSB? I figured I would hit it with 13v and about 20w of drive to keep it cool and happy.
Would this be a reasonable option or should I look elsewhere?
Re: SSB Amplifier
Posted: Jan 27 2021, 20:52
by Bozo
I've had sweet 16 for years running a TS Mod V and thought it was a really great amplifier really clean and sounded great on side band.
I have since switched over to Dave made but I do have fond memories of that Texas Star
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Sweet 16 is a great choice, but if you're looking for about 500 Watts PEP.. maybe you should think about the 667?
If you decided to go with the [Please login or register to view this link], I would also suggest getting a TS MOD-V ([Please login or register to view this link]) To drive it.
Re: SSB Amplifier
Posted: Jan 27 2021, 21:07
by DirtRider
I ended up purchasing an Ameritron AL-80B. Should be here in a month or so. Ameritron is backed up due to Covid but it's worth the wait to me. I appreciate the replies.