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Ch-9 monitoring station?

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Ch-9 monitoring station?


Post by 2006exploder »


The other day I was driving around when I picked up some chatter on my channel 9 scan. Someone was talking with someone else, but I could only hear one side of the conversation. The signal was coming in crystal clear, which surprised me given that I was in an area of Seattle far from any freeways that basically gets no cb chatter what so ever. I called up my buddy to see if he could hear it, and the signal was coming in clear for him despite him being over 15 miles away on the other side of many large hills. I caught bits of the conversation, and it was clear someone was calibrating or adjusting their system. I heard something about recording to youtube, a 38 foot antenna, and a seven kW transmitter (I possibly mis-heard this because that seems like an absurd amount of power). So this is clearly a base station, but I have no idea of the purpose, and why they were using and talking on channel 9 for an hour just testing their system. The recording to youtube thing and the apparent range of this system makes me think that maybe they are making something so that people can monitor channel 9 from the internet? I really don't know. I was wondering if any of yall have any ideas or thoughts on what this might have been.

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Re: Ch-9 monitoring station?


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hello 2006exploder,
Welcome to the forum, would be nice to post a little intro here, [Please login or register to view this link] , so members can say "Hi".
Channel 9 on the CB band is an "Emergency Frequency" but some don't abide by that. You probably heard what you heard, a KW, YouTube, etc,. it was most likely skip or propagation, hard to say where they were if even in the states. Back when CB was very popular, taxi services south of the border would constantly be on channel 9 and this when conditions were right was heard all over the country.
As for internet monitoring, if you get SDR (software defined radio), you can monitor it via the computer or just try some of the website ones located here, websdr.org , a few have 11m capability.


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