Amp help

This is the forum for asking questions about linear amplifiers or power supplies.
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Amp help



I have an 8 pill that’s starting having issues. When talking with the 8 pill, and I let off the key sometimes my squelch is real low or none at all. Any idea? Thanks
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Lost Ram
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Re: Amp help


Post by Lost Ram »

Do you mean the receive is low?? Could be a weak relay or dirty relay contacts. That would be my first go to if its not all the time. You might even be sure the power supply is working as it should as well, If its having an issue regaining or keeping up after a key down it could be an issue there too.
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Re: Amp help


Post by MDYoungblood »

I would start with the basics, antenna, coax, connectors, etc., check all for possible rf leakage which would cause that problem. Lost Ram is also right about the relays, check them. The only other thing could be the transistor in the rf switch is going south.


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