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For the sideband lovers.

Posted: May 21 2023, 21:48
by KP68
Thought I'd toss in another HAM videogate. Here are some great sounding sideband stations on 80 meters 40hz to 4khz wide.

Re: For the sideband lovers.

Posted: May 24 2023, 19:04
by MDYoungblood
80m is great, even sometimes comical, listen to a bunch of old yokels talking about there equipment especially the 5K or 10K amplifiers, just a tad illegal in the wattage department. The area I’ve move into, it is looking like I’ll be on 40m, seems to be the quietest band.



Re: For the sideband lovers.

Posted: May 25 2023, 12:23
by KP68
Just a tad lol. Ya, I love 80 meters. Soon as I cut my loop for 3.999 I plan on hopping in there with those guys. Let me know when your up and running. I'll keep an ear out for ya!