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420 SandPile

Posted: Jan 03 2007, 21:03
by BigBubbaBD
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Got a small copy down to 420 in the sandpile as skip was running out quickly. Ended up losing him all together as skip rolled out completely so I edited the end of my attempts to get back at dead air.

Posted: Feb 22 2007, 14:29
by Duck Commander
Good gate. What state is it they call the sandpile again i know ive heard before i cant remember for chit i talked the other nite to a guy in tha sandpile

Posted: Feb 22 2007, 15:03
by Popcorn501
That would be my home state of Florida.

Posted: Feb 22 2007, 15:12
by Duck Commander
Rodknocker appreciate it and Arizona is called the sand hole rite?

Posted: Feb 22 2007, 15:28
by BigBubbaBD
Yep Florida from NC

Doing about 60mph down the Hwy. You can hear the swampers humming in the dead air when I key lol

Posted: May 07 2007, 06:23
by ironic
i got some one from new york the other day and he said hi gator florida back to me.i don't know who that was.