25LTD seems to not be recieving

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25LTD seems to not be recieving


Post by screwball5150 »

I hooked up a radio that was givin to me to my meter. It was working when it was givin to me. Now I turned up the mic and RF Gain on 19 and no noise or come back on radio check. my meter swings when I talk. any Ideas?
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Snake Dr.


Post by Snake Dr. »

Sound's like the Recieve wire In your Microphone, You might have a Bad Sodder, If you know someone with a Mic. Tester get It checked out or try a different Mic. and see If you have Recieve. Good Luck !

Snake Dr.
DX #506
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Re: 25LTD seems to not be recieving


Post by Shaft »

screwball5150 wrote:I hooked up a radio that was givin to me to my meter. It was working when it was givin to me. Now I turned up the mic and RF Gain on 19 and no noise or come back on radio check. my meter swings when I talk. any Ideas?
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Post by screwball5150 »

there is nothin wrong with the mic. I just split the pins though they seemed pretty close togher, so I'll see what happens.
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Post by crazymikey555 »

Is It cold were ya are becuase mine don't work so well when it's been in the cold for a long time. needs to warm up.
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Post by screwball5150 »

Well it's an older 25 with the side mic connection... I solder jumper across R108 and changed R43 to a 4.7 ohm. gapped my pins for the mic. and now it wont transmit through my meter at all. I also tried cleaning up the solder on the final.

Can anyone tell me if the legs on the final are supposed to be soldered together.
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