I know nothing...

This forum is dedicated to discussions about tube radios and tube amplifiers.
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Joined: March 30th, 2007, 2:26 pm
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Radio: Galaxy 919

I know nothing...


Post by nighttrain »

I don't know anything about tube equipment, I'd like to know more, it sounds interesting. As a kid I had some tube AM radios that I'd listen to for a while then take them apart.

A few months or so ago I had an ad on Craig's list under the wanted asking for CB/ham equip. A guy called and said that he had two Skywalker tube amps that he'd sell, but like I said, I didn't know nothing about them. I guess I'm just rambling here. Maybe I'll see if I can find him again.
343 Nighttrain, wavin' from the hill in the Lone Star, I'm by the side
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Post by triple7wva »

as far as i know the only tubers that skywalker built were hybrids. i had a skywalker pill box that i just sold to fund my new eastcoast 8 or 10 pill....jas
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Post by Phaze91460 »

I have very little experiance with tubes for RF use. I had a friend bout 20 years ago that had a tube amp and beams. Only thing I remember was that he had to change tubes now and then as the old tubes got week from use and did not have the power they had when new.

Audio an the other hand, I have had a little exp. with. I run tube preamps for vocal mics to "warm" the sound. Guitar amps sound better if they run on tubes, etc.
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